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Mulla ei henkilökohtaisesti ole hirveästi kokemusta X:stä eikä mastodonista, mutta pari aiemmin aktiivisesti twitteriä käyttänyttä tuttua on sanonut että mastodon ei toimi hyvin korvaajana globaalin haun puuttumisen takia. Eli ongelma on että pystyt käytännössä seuraamaan vain tyyppejä, jotka jo tiedät mastodonissa. Jos vaikka haluaisit seurata mitä eu komissio tööttäilee niin pitäisi tietää tuo toisen käyttäjän linkkaama instanssi eikä käyttäjät muilla instansseilla koskaan näe niitä elleivät nimenomaan seuraa sitä. Ja siis toisaalta kukaan tuon EU instanssin ulkopuolella ei lähtökohtaisesti näe mitä eu komissio siellä julkaisee ellei sitä tiliä erikseen ole seurantaan ottanut.

Olisi kiva pyörittää omaa mastodon-instanssia, mutta se tarkoittaisi että kukaan ei koskaan näkisi mitään mitä minä siellä julkaisen.


Could it be said many game companies attempts end in alpha but communities’ failures are just more transparent?

Maybe but it’s rare for a company to put out products at alpha level unless they go bust before the game is finished. Sometimes games are launched at beta level and fixed later but that’s not the same than the eternal development limbos of open source projects, where something almost playable is released to keep people engaged but it never really gets much better than that.

It has been fun to think about designing gameplay in the past but I’ve never studied the basics.

I’d say the most important thing about making games is gameplay design. While good game engine design is a big thing, what actually makes a good game is the user experience, not the technical details of how they implement things. It’s also what is the problem in a lot of open source projects. I had a friend who implemented a very nice javascript browser based game engine. There were very cool features like particle physics and complex light effects in it. But in the end nobody wrote an interesting game with it. What matters is the content of the game, not so much which engine implements the content.

Good game design is also something that PhD theses are being written about. Not simple at all. I found the nintendo talk about designing zelda botw world very interesting. How much thought goes into things like the psychology of the player and how he reacts to what he sees and how to steer the player where the story wants him to go while giving him the impression he makes the choices himself is mind blowing.


Yeah… “community developed game” very rarely turns out well. Especially if they attempt something resembling AAA content. Perpentual alpha state is the most common outcome. And when they work they typically just recreate some existing game with little creativity in terms of IP. Maybe Veloren will be the exception but nothing they show is in any way special. It seems they have already rewritten the engine entirely once. Edit: and of course it looks a lot like cubeworld and minecraft.

It’s not really difficult to create some graphics content and moving characters on some engine engine, but that’s like 5% of what it takes to make a good game. Communities are very good at the former but not so good at the remaining 95%.

I want to make games that repect users’ software freedom and for now I bet on users learning to value their software freedom too.

Users generally want games that are fun to play and that actually work. Software freedom is very very much secondary even among those who even know what it means.


It was a private company back then so I don’t think there is financial info available. But at least it seems that the reports they filed for IPO indicated they had made loss for a few years prior.


Battery life has nothing to do with the price of the phone because battery size is limited by physical size not price. The cheapest phones actually tend to do well in comparisons.


The problem with patron model is that most people don’t want to pay for something they might get some time in the future. We have tried things like gofundme and it generally has been a disappointment. Patron models works for some things, like I might pay for an entertaining content creator to keep making content, at least if the stuff isn’t also available for free, but games are not like that. It’s generally considered stupid to pay in advance for games and seeing how expensive making big games is it would require millions of people being stupid per game.

In the end the patron model in game development would mean mostly big well established companies could make money. Who would pay for an unknown new company with no well established track record? Investors wouldn’t because there would be no return later. Only idiot users would.


No, you were given a piece of a worthless token by the mining pool. If you ever want to get anything with that worthless token somebody else has to lose money. That somebody makes the bet that another somebody will be an idiot and lose more money so he can get his back.


And that money came from someone. You can’t win in crypto unless someone else loses. Typically it’s vulnerable people wishing for a get rich quick hack who lose.


It was until the authorities learned how easy it is to connect transactions to actual people.


Unity technologies has never made a profit since it was founded. It’s still a company aiming at growth by burning money. Their losses have only increased since they went public.
