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If a company is too big to fail, and the loss of it would have serious ramifications for the country as a whole, then when faced with continued corporate malfeasance, they should NATIONALIZE the company. Oh, is this too important to be left to morons who issue stock buybacks amid layoffs while cutting corners in manufacturing/compliance? Then NATIONALIZE IT.

Do it with boeing, do it with railroads, and do it with healthcare. I’m sick of these private corporations fucking over all of us repeatedly and NOTHING being done. They’re just left to do it again! No jail time, no consequences that they couldn’t easily afford, NOTHING.

Boeing CEO’s

-Thornton Wilson (68-86)

-Frank Shrontz (86-96)

-Philip Condit (96-03)

-Harry Stonecipher (03-05)

-James McNerney (05-15)

-Dennis Muilenburg (15-19)

-Dave Calhoun (20-Present)


That was very interesting. I had always thought him a mythical hero as well, but no. A 19 year old, sentenced to a felony for stealing something worth ~$10 (at the time). Then through the urging of a private company that utilized prison labor, worked him to death on the C & O railroad.

He wasn’t driving down the steel spikes that hold the trail rails down, but instead was tasked with punching 6 inch holes into sheer rock, so that dynamite could be set inside. Miners who were familiar with the practice, would refuse to work in the holes until the dust settled from the dynamite blasts, which was delaying completion of the tunnel. But if they used convicts, instead of professional miners, then they could push the workers back into the tunnel while it remained filled to choking with silica dust. This private company, worked these young men to death, then shipped them back to their prison, where they were unceremoniously buried in a mass grave behind the prison. This is the fate of the famous John Henry.


3 day old russian troll, it’s fun to spot them in the wild like this


I just can’t get into one-player games anymore. My little brother, who’s awesome in every way, got me these two great games for birthday and Christmas. Hades, and Witcher III: Wild Hunt. And I can’t for the life of me get into them. I want to play with other people! Also, I’m one of those people that wants to explore every little bit of the world before going to fight the boss, because I hate being under leveled for a fight. Leads me to explore for an hour, find a bunch of sweet stuff that definitely will help me later in the game, then I die to a pack of flipping wolves, lose all my stuff and have to start over. Did that a couple times then stopped.

Started Hades, and the game started with blaring music that I couldn’t turn down. Nothing in the game controls was doing it, so I turned it off.

Meanwhile I’m basically addicted to DOTA 2, and put over 1000 hours into SMITE just because that was a game my lil bro played. Soon as I got good enough to play SMITE with him, he stopped playing 😥


I initially clicked the link to see if the suspect used a “bump” stock, or AR-15, only to slowly realize, Florence KY is right outside of Covington, just south of Cincinnati, and I have a bunch of family there.

Gun rights and regulations, the arguments and drama and bullshit, all pale in comparison to the loss of a loved one.

Guns don’t only do one thing. Sure, they kill people. But they also destroy families. They make kids grow up without fathers, make parents bury their children.

I hope my loved ones are safe. I wish I didn’t have to worry about my family and I being shot for nothing everyday.


After investigators for Horowitz concluded in March that the anti-fraud program had denied due process to claimants accused of fraud, Ennis inaccurately contended that the office of the health and human services inspector general followed similar practices, the report found. When Ennis was told her assertion was not accurate, she refused to correct it.

Ennis “made incomplete, misleading, and inaccurate representations about another [inspector general] to various government entities; failed to retract, withdraw, or otherwise modify those representations when informed they were untrue; and then wrongfully obstructed the investigation of her and other executives in her office,” the report found.

Ennis’s office faced increasing performance problems in recent years. The number of completed audits dwindled. Dozens of senior auditors, investigators and other staff quit or retired, many in frustration with what they described to The Post and congressional investigators as her mercurial leadership and lack of focus on the office’s mission. Ennis’s office at the time called the departures a normal increase in attrition under new leadership, and said she was making improving employee morale a priority.

Multiple law enforcement agents quit or retired after Ennis told employees her staff was monitoring employee computers during the coronavirus pandemic to ensure that the mostly remote workforce was productive. Ennis took disciplinary action against several law enforcement agents she cited for poor performance — a charge denied by the agents and their union, the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association. The group voted “no confidence” in Ennis’s leadership in 2021.

Average drumpf political appointee


I would find it funny if the vast majority of my family weren’t conservatives, who I just know donated to these scammers.


I’m sorry about your situation. But asking this question “what if a fascist dictator comes to power in your country,” is not some veiled attack on you personally. Calling people “entitled” because they’re considering fleeing a fascist takeover of their government… ok. thanks for chiming in.


I will wholly participate as much as I can if I was esctatic about the system we used,

the thing about life is, if you’re waiting to be ecstatic about something before participating in it, you’re not going to participate in anything. The whole point of voting is to improve the system. Improve it so much it will make you ecstatic. That’s called patriotism.
