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Last year Governor Jim Pillen, whose family owns one of America’s largest pork companies, was widely criticized for calling a Chinese-born journalist at Flatwater Free Press a “communist” after she exposed serious water quality violations at his hog farms. Earlier this month, the Nebraska supreme court ruled that the state environmental agency could charge the same investigative news outlet tens of thousands of dollars for a public records request about nitrates.

Everywhere I look there’s a huge problem affecting all of us, and a republican doing everything in their power to make it worse.


my mother. asked her to stop bringing up my rapist in conversation with me. she said “ya know other people have problems too.” Then she went and had holiday lunch at his house. that was before I was set to drive there for christmas, so instead I stayed home and did nothing. Turns out christmas is just a regular day.


“I think often times the judicial division gets kind of the label of it’s safe because we’re serving papers. There’s nothing safe about judicial. You are dealing with people’s emotions each and every day,” explained Sheriff Johnson III. “You’re taking someone’s home away. That’s their last stand like that. I can tell you the first time I bought my first piece of property, how proud I was to be a homeowner. That is the American dream. And [we]’re taking that away from somebody.”

God Bless the U.S.

Where we evict an 82 year old man and his parkinsons riddled wife he’s caring for.

While the Sherriff brags about how dangerous it is for his deputies to evict them.


just a really smart tactic. Knowing that only one of the victors would tolerate him saying something so anti-the-system, it’s better to err on the side of bowing to the authoritarian regime when you’ve just woken up naked and afraid somewhere inside a secret government facility. So hilarious, and a brilliant move. Well done, Austin.


Irresponsible and reckless republican passes terrible, damaging law as political theater. Surprised that terrible, damaging law is terrible and damaging. Am I supposed to give him kudos for backpedaling now that checks notes THREE years have passed?

Article describes him as a “middle of the road” republican. No, sorry, those are all gone now. All you have left is an entire party devoted to a christian theocracy with what could reasonably pass as the anti-christ for its leader.


Christmas eve at a pub, random bloke comes in and starts shooting at people. Pub goers react to stop the assault, gunman is killed of injuries sustained in the beating from the crowd.

Man, if someones shooting into a crowd of people, using deadly force to stop them does not sound like whatever vigilante justice narrative these prosecutors are trying for. Sounds more like what the world needs, a healthy dose of FAFO.


why the fuck is a schoolboard voting “along party lines.” I know it’s been this way for a while, but it doesn’t make it any less stupid that your godamn political party decides your EVERY attitude in life.


I would hope that being found guilty of treason would revoke any duty to protect them by the secret service…


I was a small business owner in this same situation. I got a contract, I got partial payment up front, then they reneged upon my finishing the job and asking for the rest of the payment. They said they’d pay me 10% of what they owe, AND demanded additional services for free. I took my contract to a bunch of lawyers, all who said the same thing “They’re too rich to sue. They will delay, stall, and after years, even if you won, they still probably won’t pay.” What they owed me, they bragged about paying every time they flew their private jet. They could easily have paid, but instead they decided to destroy me and my company.

This isn’t something the small business owner can protect against. To the rich, none of us or our laws matter.
