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Developer and refugee from Reddit

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I’m the parent of two LGBTQ+ kids. I’m trying very hard not to be scared out of my mind about a second Trump term.


Yeah. This shit, right here. This fucking lunatic who already half-wrecked the country wants to finish the job. Look at him. LOOK AT HIM. He is a deranged, mentally unwell man, and wants the absolute fucking worst for our country.

Here’s the important thing: As much as Biden is foundering right now, this evil sonofabitch is the other option. So if Biden ultimately does keep the Democratic nomination, then vote for him. If not, then vote for whoever gets the nod.

We all know Biden’s far from perfect. Maybe he’s just been sick as he claims (first a nasty cold/flu, then COVID-19 in rapid succession), or maybe he’s actually on the decline. Doesn’t matter. LOOK AT THE ESCAPED MENTAL PATIENT HE’S RUNNING AGAINST. Tell me you’d rather have the evil, insane, orange-skinned Hitler-wannabe than a guy who’s old.

We’re voting for an administration, not just one guy. And we cannot - absolutely, positively cannot - allow Donald Fucking Trump back in the White House, when we know he’s a criminal and a compromised traitor to the country. If he gets back into the White House, here’s what’s going to happen:

  1. Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito will step down, allowing Trump to install two young, absolute fucking lunatics in their place. Get ready for forty goddamn years of a fascist Supreme Court that doesn’t even remotely resemble the people.
  2. I don’t give a shit about how he’s tried to politically distance himself from it, Trump will enact the agenda of Project 2025. Get ready for abortion to be completely outlawed, your gay friends’ marriages to be dissolved, your trans friends to lose health care, your right to even access contraception to vanish, and much, much more.
  3. You don’t like how Biden is handling the crisis in the Middle East? Well don’t worry, Trump wants to get rid of the crisis by letting Israel turn Palestine into glass.
  4. No more aid to Ukraine. We’re on Russia’s side now!
  5. The U.S. will absolutely withdraw from NATO. He tried to pull us out last time, and he’ll succeed this time.
  6. In the name of “election integrity,” there won’t be actual free and fair elections anymore. Get used to a permanent Republican government at all levels.

This is not a dress rehearsal. This is not a game, and not make-believe. We are on the same precipice that Germany stood on before passing the “Enabling Act.” The only difference is that our madman uses bronzer.

Commit here and now to voting for whoever the Democratic nominee is in November. Do what you have to to get your friends and loved ones to as well. Or what you see in the link above becomes president. Again.

Me, I’m waiting to see what happens. I have a gay kid and a trans kid. If I have to move out of the country to keep them safe, I will. But I really hope you all step up on my kids’ behalf and keep the traitorous felon out of the Oval Office.


Seems like an argument for a heterogeneous environment, perhaps a solid and secure Linux server to host important keys like that.


They’re wavering because you need to show strength, stability, and confidence in a way you haven’t been able to show them for a month.

If this is genuinely caused by an unlucky series of illnesses and you’ll be fine as soon as you bounce back, great. They’ll line back up behind you. If not… then it’s time to bow out.


I mean, that’s not wrong, but what I was getting at is that trolls specifically try to deflect by preemptively claiming others are trolls, so when they’re accused of trolling, it looks like he-said-she-said.

Take that tool away from them by reporting them instead of responding. Or in other words… Don’t feed the trolls.


Thank you for your sacrifice.


Oh boy! I’ve built the last few days around not watching, and I can’t wait for the big finale of not watching today!


That whole thing is a monstrous mess, and anyone who thinks they have the solution almost certainly doesn’t.

I mean, putting myself in Biden’s shoes for a moment, what exactly is he supposed to do? If he cuts off all arms to Israel, that’s basically an open invitation to Iran and others to start an attack, leading to WWIII. If he gives them everything they want (the way Trump would) then say goodbye to all of Palestine… and probably still say hello to WWIII. And Netanyahu is obviously a madman. And Hamas is obviously a terrorist organization. And…

Fuck. Like, what the actual fuck is the solution? I don’t freaking know. But I do know that everything Trump touches either turns to shit, or (if it’s already shit like this) turns to more rancid shit.
