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Well considering nothing I said was countered, I win by default. So you better say yes or start mounting a substantive rebuttal.


Now that’s an awfully cute strawman fallacy you’ve got there, buddy, but no that does not mean I buy the premise that asshole is saying in this article.

Will you listen if I explain why?


lol says who? I can name Senators, US House representatives, senior strategists for Obama, even a former DNC Chair who fucking say otherwise. Don’t bullshit me.

You’re not just wrong, you may very well be outright lying. Now show me your evidence or walk away.


Read your comment twice and truly I appreciate the neutral tone and detailed explanations. Certainly food for thought. I do get wary about saying I found something in this test because I’m certainly cautious when reputable sources generally shoot it down. I hate the idea that I’m falling for some sort of pseudoscience and weigh that against (a) how it tangibly helped me, and (b) whether we simply haven’t found the proper way to test its efficacy properly; for I do find psychology and psychometrics in itself to be both a bit less explored and less quantitative (or deterministic?) compared to say fields more deductive and rooted in mathematics like physics. I’m not a scientist or research analyst so I must yield to those who know more for the latter.

Thanks for the conversation.


If only low-information apathetic undecided swing-state voters who will ultimately decide this election felt this way.

Friendly reminder:

  • Biden won by only 40,000 voters in 3 battleground states in 2020.
  • Biden was up 10 pts in the polls at this time in 2020.
  • Biden is anywhere from 3-6 pts behind trump in every reputable poll today.
  • There is nothing from here until November to suggest those polls will budge, given their long-term steadily-declining trend, especially in the aftermath of that catastrophic debate performance.

I am in complete agreement with your analysis here. I fully agree there is a double-standard of expectations, and quite frankly has been, for well over 2 decades.

The question is: what do we do about it?

I watched every single day of the live coverage of the January 6th Hearings that went on throughout the summer of 2022. I watched the Impeachment hearings. I watched the Charlottesville reactions. I watched all the coverage of the criminal indictments and the criminal conviction. I’ve seen quite a bit on Project 2025 long before Biden’s catastrophic debate. The problem is: truly, nothing is sticking. Why? Because right-wing media largely controls the narrative in this country, both thanks to the injection of billionaire money and corporations, but just the prevalence of unabashed conservative media, ranging from church and AM talk radio to Fox News on in every breakroom and doctor’s office waiting-room in the country. They muddy the waters so effectively that no matter how loudly we point to these problems, they have talking-point to deflect, downplay, or muddy the waters of reality… And uninformed gullible apathetic voters lap that shit up.

The only thing we can really do is not make it easy for them. We can’t give them an argument that actually has legitimate substance to it, like Biden’s age and cognitive capacity. Look, to me the data is clear: 75% of Americans don’t think Biden is fit to run again, and that Democrats would have better odds at defeating Trump with someone else. I’m in agreement. Every single data point I can find signals Trump sweeping the election. Mostly because the guy who supposedly holds the moral high ground can’t shake his ego and step down for the greater good.


Well now it’s funny because I hear both arguments simultaneously:

  • “Why are we talking about Biden when we SHOULD be talking about Trump!?”

  • “Why is the media giving Trump so much attention!?!?”

Regardless I’m less concerned about the past because that’s written in stone, and I’m more concerned about the future that is still mutable.


Yes, it actually does.

That’s kind of — you know — the point.

Your response is like literally finger-in-ear, head-in-sand denial.


I’ll vote for a corpse over Trump, but if Biden doesn’t step down I’d bet money we lose as much as it pains me to say it. No data supports a Biden reelection. And I’ve seen no promising path to altering the trends in the polls that are largely a result of an immutable, worsening vice: age.


If I have to see this false prophet Lichtman’s bowl cut one more time, I swear to god… Here are just a few facts about this asshole:

  • It’s really not some miracle that he got these elections right, considering he waits until last-minute to predict them.
  • He gave a full-throated endorsement of Hillary Clinton… only to predict she’d lose later on in the race.
  • He hasn’t given his fucking prediction for THIS cycle yet.
  • Even based on his own “keys,” he is not remaining impartial because he has no idea whether an alternative candidate would get all the keys just the same.
  • He inflates incumbency despite Biden’s 37% approval-rating and losing pre and post-first debate in polls… Which if you look at historical trends, that NEVER bodes well for the incumbent.

By the way I emailed this shithead challenging his methodology (and I remained much more neutral than this) to no response. In fact I wouldn’t be the least-bit surprised if the only reason he wants Biden to remain the nominee is to ensure he maintains record for election predictions by later predicting his easy defeat.

Nate Silver has a far more predictive, mathematical model than this dumb fuck. He can Lichtma balls. (ok that last one I just had to out of adolescent gallows humor, but he threw the first punch with name-calling those wanting Biden to step down).
