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It’s hilarious because when my gf and I got together, she was the same.

It was weird to me because I was very ticklish and I couldn’t grasp how someone could not have that feeling.

But some time later, Idk why and when, but all of a sudden she became ticklish.


This. Connect to a gigantic antenna via Ethernet


I mean as much as I’d like to be saving money as well, and the other comment saying every game company charging this nowadays, simply because everyone else does… I agree

But also, the game has gotten incredible reviews. There was quite a lot about this game setting the bar for gaming and game developers. In that regard, honestly, I’m fine paying that price.

What I’m not fond of is yearly releases, charging that price for a game that is like a dlc to last years game and got so much MTX it could very well be f2p. Cough cod and FIFA


Yea I see it the same, it’s been GAAS for years now. Black ops 4 which came out 5 years ago this year started with the seasons and all. There’s so much MTX, it’s laughable. And this in a full price title, that plays like a freemium game. Aka it is barely fun but people keep playing simply because they’re hooked on the dopamine they get from it.

It should’ve gone f2p years ago, but obviously the question is why, when you can get another $60/80€ per player anyways and expect the game to be any different.

I’ve played quite a lot of cod back in the days, but ultimately since mw19 the series has gone to total shit. It’s been the same game every year, there’s barely any skill involved anymore and they so****mehow manage to put in more RNG each and every year.

CoD never really needed any skill to begin with, but nowadays it’s basically a slot machine, disguised as a shooter.

Rumours about GAAS come and go every year tho. I guess they will only change when people stop buying this crap, aka never.


I’ve been doing mobile device management at my last company and we handed out whatever the latest a series was, to our coworkers, for especially the cost and security factor.

And with the A52 I think, they have become really really decent phones in my opinion, I really don’t know what the hell the writer is fumbling about.

I mean personally it’s not my favorite UI and I would take my pixel any day over it, but it worked so well and was so fluid, for a simple midrange phone. Again, not my cup of tea, but for someone like my mom or whoever just needs a phone for basic social media, calls, texts, decent camera and the web… This is perfectly fine. Now I’d still get her a pixel a series over it because the cam is just perfect imo, but if someone prefers Samsung UI, the a series is incredible.

Plus idk what their current state is but Dex might already be there? Or is coming soon? Judging by the latest Xcover that got it, which also just sports a midrange processor.


How? I’ve been a heavy telegram user for more than 8 years now. Not a single time I have unwillingly been added to a group I had no interest in or been messaged with any scam message.

I know of privacy settings that limit these, but I have none of them turned on, because I have some people that might add me to important groups.


I can now only laugh about their past statements of “uwu we are losing dominance as the market leader because we can’t compete with apple music on iOS, because they can offer the service for less money uwu”

All while no other service is able to compete with them on android because of their special deal lmao


They only comply when asked by google/apple because otherwise they risk getting banned on their stores.

That’s why they advice you to, on android, download the app via the web. Because there, these companies have no say and the content is unrestricted.


To bring another opinion to all the other comments, each week I’m trying to go into the office more often than I already do (2-3/5 times per week currently) which I feel is not much, but after reading some comments, you guys must think I’m a maniac already lol.

Now why would someone do that? First, I got a new job like half a year ago and I absolutely love it. First of all, my current commute time is around 25 minutes, door to door, in clean public transportation. Second, we got free water, Softdrinks, Coffee, Snacks, even fruits and cereal in the office. So no matter what I need to energize, it’s there. At home, I usually don’t. Or I do, but still, it’s better to have ‘free’ you know?

Also, I love my colleagues. They’re very young on average, incredibly skilled and highly intelligent. Also from many different countries. It’s always fun talking to them and getting different insights on all kinds of things. We also usually take smaller breaks to play table tennis or table football.

Home office is great too, for days I really need to focus or have a lot of meetings. Or have private appointments, deliveries, or whatever. I can also take Homeoffice whenever I want and no one cares at all.

But still, it gets boring and lonely. Being in the office is great for my social factor and currently feels more like going to see friends, rather than working.


I had a conversation with a coworker recently and we got to the topic of working out, and he told he’s working out two times a day. He goes to the gym before and after work.

I asked him why the hell he would go twice, like that’s just ridiculous and he said well he was depressed, and started working out. Everyone said it’d help with the depression, but it helped only a bit. So he figured well maybe he has to go even more.

It’s absolutely ridiculous imo, but… whatever helps one I guess
