That looks great, much better than the original cardboard components
Before the fiasco in Thailand I was a Musk fan, my opinion of him has falled greatly since then; even more so since Twitter. Now I groan whenever I see a headline with his name.
That is a great price for a random shop. It’s a great coin and it’s really cool you were able to stop in and find coins. The shops I vist here in the US, all the prices are 3 to 4 times what they should be, if they have any at all.
I find those green splotches a little worrysome, are they exposed bronze beneth the silvering or is it BD?
Lol, I literally just saw a similar headline, read the result, and said the same thing just before seeing this post.
I think he should have used a fiberglass pen before applying the wax, then the final result would’ve looked much smoother.
Also the edges look concerning to me, might have some bronze disease. A long term soak in DW can clear up mild cases of BD
This made me lol irl :-)