

8 posts • 36 comments
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For me, the absolute best part about the subreddit is the community’s disposition. It’s just a genuinely nice and supportive corner of the internet. The lack of hostility and judgment is so important.

Truly, yes. For a community that is so often judged by the rest of society, it’s a blessing to be accepted in all one’s flawed glory.


Yeah, I definitely feel the same way. Like, I don’t know if this makes sense, but the joy of living alcohol free without it being in the context of providing support to people who are struggling? Sometimes I’m in the space to visit the difficulties of not drinking, but sometimes I’m just not. The separation for me feels kinda like, “stopdrinking,” and “notdrinking.” Does that make sense?

It seems like our opinion is the minority so I’ll probably wait a bit and see what happens :)


As for me, I’m pleasestopasking. I’ve been using Procreate for a few years now. I have a 2nd Gen iPad Pro and 1st Gen Apple Pencil, so pretty old gear but it’s still kickin’!

Procreate has really helped me grow as an artist. I have ADHD and have some related difficulties with visual-spatial processing. Getting my hands to make what I see in my brain has always been hard, so I didn’t practice enough because it was so frustrating, which meant it continued to be frustrating. I love being able to endlessly manipulate my sketch on Procreate until it looks exactly how I want it to without tearing a hole in my paper from erasing 😅 And the more I practice the better I’m getting at physical sketching, too.


Not only that, but when you swipe on the browser to go back, it’s a brand new window that has closed the previous one so it can’t be early recessed by someone taking a phone and pressing the back button.


May I also recommend adding deep breathing? A 30 second ad gives you time for two or three deep inhale-hold-exhales.

Man though the Black Mirror nightmare scenario of devices being able to tell when you close your eyes or look away and the ad stops until you’re looking. Let’s hope we don’t get there in real life any time soon.


Huh, maybe I just missed those interactions. Or they were within threads that were more support-oriented. There were definitely days I skipped those posts because I wasn’t in a frame of mind for it.


I think it’s also worth noting that /r/stopdrinking has stayed open throughout the entire blackout period – which makes complete sense, as a support sub that is a lifeline, perhaps the sole lifeline, for many.

So mods not having to manage two communities, while also giving community to those who want or need it outside of a reddit if it’s no longer a place they want to support, is great. Thanks for making this!


I don’t think the fragmentation is necessarily not present on Reddit. There are subs on there that are on the same topic, there’s nothing stopping someone from creating a duplicate just because they’re on the same server, ya know?

One thing that ends up happening over there is that both are active but with different types of community culture. For example, there’s /r/JonBenetRamsey which is where people who believe someone in the family did it congregate, and /r/JonBenet which consists primarily of people who think an intruder is responsible.

Or, there are multiple subs for the same or highly overlapping topics and people just subscribe to both/many. Even if they cover the same topic, since they’re in separate spaces they don’t necessarily have that behemoth sub feel. On Reddit I’m subscribed to wicca, wiccan, and witch. (I was also subscribed to witchcraft until the mod made an unhinged post about how the API thing didn’t matter to anyone, and I got banned for my reply which was polite but disagreed lol.) All have activity.

The other outcome on Reddit is that one sub thrives and becomes the default, and the others just don’t have any activity so people don’t sub.

This is a very long-winded way to say, I think the solution to your problem is just joining both communities, and you’ll see both in your feed as a result.
