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I think I’d go paleolithic. Pre-agricultural, on the move finding food, being in nature. It’d be dicey obviously but like whatever, if you die you die. I feel like the physical activity, adrenaline, living in community, being in nature… Would just be nice. I feel like I probably wouldn’t be depressed anymore eventually. Like who would have the time?

Also damn can you imagine seeing like 4000 lb armadillos and shit? Living among a bunch of now-extinct megafauna seems like it would be both thrilling and terrifying. Honestly I’d probably die by trying to Disney princess with a twelve foot tall deer or some shit.


I got diagnosed in my mid-thirties and finally getting on medication for it literally made me cry because of how normal I felt.


Why buy something when you could spent dozens of hours and * checks watch * wait, also spend way more money??


This is all so important and insightful. You wrote it up in a way that is so clear about the value of journaling. I really need to get back into the habit of it.

My initial fight with depression has been over for many years now, but I kept journaling. It helped me lose weight, get into shape, set my own goals and start new hobbies even.

Journaling was the first time I said “out loud” that I wanted to start a small business, and… I have. It was something I’d wanted to do for years and years and years and just never did, because I didn’t believe I could. Getting it out of my head and exploring the why and how made such a difference.

I want to say this: I know that among science-minded people, it’s common to dismiss (and mock people who use) tarot cards. “It’s just random, drawing a card doesn’t tell your future” (followed with the sometimes implied, sometimes said aloud: “you dumbass”).

I journal in the way that you describe here OP but it can be really hard for me to get started and make it a habit. So, I often journal by using tarot. The cards don’t “tell my future,” I know that. But they serve as a journaling prompt that is really helpful for reflection. Does this describe me? Do I want it to? What can I do to achieve/change it? Also… they’re pretty. It’s nice.

Related: astrology is good for this too! Another often mocked practice. We’re in the new moon in the sign Gemini yesterday/tonight. “New moons are symbolic moments of new beginnings. With a new moon in the air sign of Gemini, our mindset, ideas, opinions, what we’re curious about, and the way we communicate with others all hit the cosmic refresh button.” Hmm… sounds like a pretty good prompt for journaling and reflection, huh??

If you want to start journaling, but you’re having trouble getting started, and it won’t make you feel self-consciously woo-woo… give it a try. Tarot and astrology don’t tell your future – they can help you write it. 🌑✨


But you can’t do all that with cash 😔 otherwise that would def be mine too


Strong, fat, brave, and silly… and still not a single braincell between them.


Voraciously reading gURL.com. Got me into zine and riot grrl culture, and helped me actually learn about my body and sex in a positive way despite growing up in a conservative home.


Are you contributing content?


Are you parents supportive? Do you have another supportive adult in your life you can talk to?

An adult may have some success in calling his parents to ask if everything is all right, because his friend (you) haven’t heard from him. They may be able to assess from the parents’ answers whether it would be appropriate to call in a wellness check on your bf.

Also, do you have any mutual friends, especially girls, that might have more success checking in on him? Dropping by his house to say hi or something?

I’m really sorry you’re dealing with this. It’s scary to not know where a loved one is and if they’re okay.


Imo this gets to the crux of how “people don’t want to work” is such horseshit. People don’t mind, or even like working to share knowledge and build community. And when they have the capacity and free time, they’ll do it for no pay.

People don’t want to work at something that feels like it makes no difference in their world or the world, when they’re not getting treated well or paid enough. They’ll work at things that deserve it in their life.
