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I’m a busy bee. Last week was my club’s welcome week, so I’m behind on some of my assignments. I also have a midterm and a test this week. I lost track of those dates because I’ve been busy planning for my club this month and for next month… My club schedule is more organized than my school schedule. Kinda awkward.

Also working my part-time job. It’s been fun, but now that one person is leaving, I know that I’ll have more responsibilities given to me. We only have five people on the team— two seniors, one intern, and two student workers— so it can be rough. I’m still learning how to navigate the CMS with my fellow student worker, so it’ll be interesting to see what new duties I’ll have.

Overall, not a bad week? I just know it’ll be an exhausting one. (Like last week.) ._. Hope the workload gets lighter, but I think I’ll have to wait for a holiday break for that to happen.


Haven’t degoogled. If I want to degoogle, I need to sort through a lot just to get started. I’ve never been much of a social media person, though. My only issue is that a lot of people around me get their conversational topics from social media, which is sometimes enlightening but mostly kinda bleh to me.

I used to lurk through Reddit. Now I pop on Lemmy occasionally. When it comes to communication I prefer texting, email, or in-person.

Social media is more of a last resort for me for communication. Hate Snapchat— uninstalled it and never looked back. I want to uninstall Instagram, but it’s one of the ways I contact people. I had to install Facebook for Facebook Messenger based on some policy my club has for board members… Hate that. Once I graduate from university I’d love to uninstall both, but I’ll probably keep instagram for the sake up keeping up with old friends.

And no to TikTok. So many people have it but I don’t want to join in. Overall, it does make me a lil sad that I’m into privacy because I feel like I’m missing out on connecting with people. Other times, I don’t think I’m missing out on much at all.


I forgot about this thread because of how busy the week has been. It feels like this week has been a month. I had to guide eight new students around campus while keeping up with the new changes in a tight schedule. They were a chaotic bunch, but fortunately pretty responsible. I felt sorry for some others because their mentees were troublemakers or just dramatic.

I’m never doing this again lol. It’s a nice experience to have once, but I don’t like how I get a random group of people that are possibly good or bad. Yesterday I was recuperating from the madness. Today, I think I’ll need to face some issues I put aside for this job. But man, I’m so sleepy.


No problem! Glad I could help. ⌯’▾’⌯


Usually it’s late August/early September for me. I’m going back early because I got into a program to help mentor the first years. Basically they get to start a week earlier to get accustomed to uni and I get to start a week before they do for my in-person training.


Taking as many naps as possible before going back to university.

I’ll have to go back soon and I have mixed feelings about it. I am excited, I’m just also doing my best not to let my worries get to me.

This weekend I gotta plan my goals for this year. I’m contemplating studying abroad, getting an internship, or both. I’ll also be hanging out with my siblings before I leave. And packing.


I know this post is a couple days old but… Thought I’d give it a shot.

Honestly, I just try not to think about my emotional state in the moment. As long as I acknowledge the negative feeling and let said feeling remain as a feeling— not turning it into an articulated thought— and go about my day anyway, the emotions start to subside. Let your body act, but refrain from mulling over the act you’re about to make.

It takes practice to not judge the emotion, but once you get the hang of it I’d say it’s hard to stop.

I find that most of the time my emotions become unbearable is because I begin to rationalize them. (And to attempt rationalizing an emotion is inherently an irrational act.) Does that make sense?

Another way I like to think about it is, don’t intellectualize your faith into doubt without understanding that you can intellectualize your doubt into faith.

Sorry, I know it’s convoluted. I can try providing an example of my experience with this if you’d like. Overall it is about mindfulness and patience with yourself. But first, it’s going to be about having a hell of a lot of patience. Hope this helps.


Bouldering sounds fun! I’d love to try that at some point. But first, I’m gonna try to rope some of my friends into starting off with indoor climbing.

My hobbies are drawing, reading, and learning a language! Haven’t done a lot lately though. My main ‘hobby’ right now is studying. For school. (☍◡⁰)

I love drawing since it’s relaxing. I might doodle whatever comes to mind or accidentally create something pretty lol. I read webcomics as a replacement to bingeing shows. Not always a good thing but it can serve as a good distraction. Then there’s learning languages… I was studying German a while back and fell off. But opening yourself to a whole new culture is thrilling, especially once you get past basic level. Definitely hoping to travel abroad to Germany someday.

One more thing. Maybe volunteering? You meet different types of people and they all tend to be friendly and laid-back. I joined a volunteer club last year and it’s been pretty fun, even when I had some depressing or anxious days. Plus it can be a nice way to socialize.


I say you have a point. The moustache look makes it more friendly. You can also see the butt/stinger as a bandana!


Pokemon. It ended up being my morning show that would end right before I had to leave for school. But what really put anime on my radar was the old YouTube algorithm, constantly showing me pirated episodes of obscure anime lol. Good times. Thank god I never ran into anything traumatic, cuz I just winged it for a while.

I still love the anime as a childhood experience, but I don’t consider it great. Probably one of the only childhood shows I’d be willing to watch today would be Avatar The Last Airbender, but I know it doesn’t exactly count as anime.
