I ordered a piantor few days ago. How was soldering? I really like the diodeless design, hopefully I will be able to build it (first time soldering). Also agree the column stagger looks nice. How does it feel?
Btw I’ve been working full time with Colemak dh for few years and it’s quite nice layout. But decided to switch recently and learned “canary” which is layout created in 2022. It’s slightly more optimized than Colemak. Maybe you can looker into it if you’re interested.
I saw this keyboard but still don’t understand - why hexagon?
Looks super nice. Why did you decide on this design?
Make an account on monkeytype and practice 1 hour a day. Look at the stats, you should improve in a week or two.
When I switched layout first time (qwerty -> Colemak dh) it took me 2-3 weeks to learn it. Recently I switched again (canary) and it took me around a week of practicing around 2h a day to go to 60wmp English 1k. Then I just started using it at work.
Now I’m switching to Piantor and it’s difficult even without switching layout.
I think you have to be patient and also keep track of your progress to motivate you.
Looks really nice. I like how compact it is. How are your wrists? Also, how the thumb cluster feels? Where did you buy all the parts?
Looks super cool :) how much did you pay for keycaps?