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Other replies have given you good advice to use as a jumping off point but assuming you are taking data you find very meaningful (pictures and videos) and putting it on hardware you own there are two concepts you should familiarize yourself with asap before going too deep into purchasing stuff and building/installing

RAID: provides redundancy for when a drive inevitably fails. Will require multiple drives to create an array (the amount of drives depends on what kind of raid) but this helps you avoid downtime. Drives will fail, it happens.

Backup: provides resiliency for when your raid array entirely fails so your data isn’t completely destroyed. As you learn about and experiment with raid you may be lulled into a false sense of security, especially the first time you resliver a drive into the array. It’s honestly a bit like magic, you pull the dead/dying drive out and pop in a fresh drive, test it to make sure it’s good to go (not essential but good practice), and then after awhile it’s rebuilt from parity and your data is back. But this process is stressful on the drives and after years of running a home server I’ve finally had an occasion where reslivering caused an additional drive to fail.

Additionally all of the above is pointless in a disaster situation. If there’s some kind of extreme hardware failure that zaps all your drives at once, your house floods/burns down/etc, raid won’t help you obviously at all.

This is where backup gets annoying. If you have 4tb of data it’s pretty inexpensive to create a local backup, a 4-8tb external hard drive (or even larger) can be purchased or made for a couple hundred bucks. Sometimes you can get a refurb 18tb drive under $200 and slap it in a cheap external enclosure.

But offsite for that amount of data is costly and pulls you back into the amazon/google/apple/etc ecosystem, which if you’re anything like me you’re trying to get away from. Another option besides an external drive is a bluray burner and discs. They’re relatively cheap now. I have a different off site backup solution now that I was able to purchase property but the bluray thing was what I did prior to buying land. The downside is that backups were done at longer fixed intervals so there was a risk of losing ~3 months of data. I would burn them and then take them offsite, to a trusted location that I visited fairly regularly.


Drug tolerance is generally not associated with acetaminophen or NSAIDs although using them frequently to manage headaches can definitely cause rebound headaches on discontinuation


I wouldn’t say it’s common, that’s misleading. some people do it, probably, but I’ve lived in PA for 2 decades and have never met anyone who has claimed to do so nor have I seen any actual statistics on the matter


On one hand if you actually read the article this number is already misleading because they didn’t even bother to include the price with materials, which are leather (and assuming high quality leather at that), which probably drives that number up a bit although nowhere near the final cost.

On the other hand, duh, this is how commerce works? I make something (or buy it from someone who can make it in high volumes) and then sell it at higher price than I sold it for. I guess it’s just the commentary that there are people out there with enough disposable income to spend 3 grand on a bag? That is ridiculous for sure but it’s nothing new, been around for decades


While I think scanning baby brains is not really viable for this (see my other reply) they actually do basically put babies in a restraint for X-rays and neurological scans that looks pretty fucked up. But I mean if a baby is having seizures or has a suspected broken bone you have to get imaging, even if it’s kind of cruel




Oh yeah let me just plug in an fmri and find out if someone is definitively experiencing “joy”. That’s high level somewhat subjective emotion, not pain. Neurological understanding is not nearly as advanced as you think it is. I spent my post doc doing fmri research; the best thing you could come up with here is “areas of the brain associate with pleasure are highly activated” but even that doesn’t necessarily indicate the baby feels overwhelmed. Maybe I’m wrong and there’s some fancier neuroscientist out their that can read baby brains but I doubt it


I hate it when people say shit like this so authoritatively. Like this is some conjecture at best. It’s a baby. No one knows why a baby does this. Someone assumed that and some other people said oh yeah that makes sense.

36 points

I would never be able to take such a picture of my dog. He would be ferociously licking the tiny bit of delicious food that he not allowed to have off of his back.


I disagree. It was 6 in 1998 and 3 by 2013.

Conglomeration of internet spaces and the surrounding corpo entities ultimately fucks over independent distributors. Streaming may have given indies a modest boost but that is likely what pushed the big 6 to conglomerate into the big 3 in the face of a changing market. They’re playing the long game

Look at other examples: google search has been utterly destroyed by the conglomeration of both google as a company as well as ad networks. Now the independent companies that were thriving because of google search boosting them are on life support or outright dying because google no longer has to cater to them and can now outright cater to business interests that will pump their bottom line. Amazon marketplace is killing many small businesses because the conglomeration of amazon businesses has reached a point where they can undercut and copy those small businesses to kill them off and increases amazons bottom line. Youtube has reached a critical mass and pushes sponsored and corporate creators, it is essentially impossible to grow a channel organically at this point without some kind of backing.

The streaming services are going the same route. Do you think apple, spotify, deezer, tidal, etc won’t tweak their algorithms for additional funds from warner? It may not even be about money, it might be about keeping sony music happy because they are essentially a cartel that controls 1/3rd of your catalog. So then the indies slowly but surely go back to relying on word of mouth exclusively. But good luck with that because facebook, tiktok, youtube, etc, is where all this discussion happens and warner/sony/universal is far more likely to have an in with google or whoever than podunk indie label with 10k in the bank. It won’t even be that they silence the indie labels, they’ll just say “when people search for new reggae push these artists in the algorithm”

The future is grim dude. It’s why I use soulseek and torrents to find music. Fuck algorithms. Ill go to shows and buy merch


The ridiculous part of this headline is that music has become so conglomerated that there are 3 major music labels
