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6 posts • 91 comments

Artist, Designer

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I used to live in the US before and payments between banks/accounts/government entities where a disaster and confusing unless you were using Zelle IF the other person had Zelle.

I live in Brasil now and I’m surprises of how much more efficient the payment processes are here.

I used to have to pay the USCIS with checks, sending about $500 a year by mail (USPS), something that gave me so much anxiety I could barely sleep because I could barely afford it and it could just… get lost.

Today I paid for my permanent Visa here in Brasil and all ot took was reading a QR code and the website auto-updated as soon as I made the payment. That same service you can use it to transfer money to people, stores, supermarkets, anything you can think of.

Maybe some people prefer the old fashioned way but my question is, wh my is the US still using mail and checks in 2023?


Sorry for the long text, TL;DR at the end.

Maybe I’m wrong or saw it incorrectly, but the feeling I got about that hearing was that there were many people with different ideas on what the topic was about and nothing was actually answered.

Some reps were asking about extraterrestrial lifeforms and spaceships, some others about UAPs made by enemy countries that could potentially pose a threat to the US national security, some others talked about the Chinese ballon and the incompetence of the government when dealing with those events (which kinda falls into the previous point, but it was more of critique to the government rather than a question IMO)

Then the “whistleblower” (the one that talked a lot and said nothing) was just focusing in wanting some kind of place/means/way to report those kinds of incidents with UAPs/UFOs anonymously because they faced what he called “administrative terrorism”, and the other two seemed to literally just want to talk about UFOs and spaceships.

The “whistleblower” didn’t really say anything outside of “I can’t confirm nor deny that in an open setting, I’ll gladly give you the information in a closed one”, there was nothing substantial about that hearing IMO.

Non-human biological material =/= extraterrestrial material, and in one of the questions, which was something along the lines of “where did you get that info?” He basically replied with a “just trust me bro, I’ve talked to some people”.

DISCLAIMERS: I stopped listening to it after about 4 hours and a half, so I don’t know if he said anything substantial after that. Also, English is not my first language so if I made any mistakes or am talking out of my ass, do call me out on it.

TL;DR: IMO that hearing was just a waste of time and nothing of importance was said.


Dr. Pepper because I’m here for a fun time not a long time.


A cure for my arthritis, I’m tired of it and it’s fucking uncurable.


If I understand it correctly, you go to Settings > View Type and in Fonts and Sizing you choose either “Self Text size” or “Description Size” (I don’t remember which one of the two), so you can set a larger font for the text in posts.

If that doesn’t change it then I’d suggest report as a bug mayhaps? It worked for me at least, hopefullly it does for you too!

Edit: “Description font” os for the one where the user and instance appears (e.g. (@)name(@), you’d have to increase the one called “self text” font.


I once tried to watch one of his livestreams… I had no idea what he was saying and he was trying to come up with a simple argument/sentence for something and took about 3-5 minutes to go through 7 words.

I mean, kudos to him for making it to the top but… I seriously have no clue how people understand when he tries to talk.


Do you have the “View Type” set as “Cards” or “Slides”? The option will only show up with any of those two types, all the other types will only let you change title and description.


Patreon always has some lind of problem every now and then. To this day I haven’t been able to even create an account there because they won’t let me.

Are there no other services that creators/donators can use (apart from Liberapay that I see a bit lower in the comments)?


I had another account in another instance, but the instance is gone so I lost all that info, I think I had about 2 posts and maybe 30+ comments.

I created this account about a week ago and I have 1 post and 9 comments so far (10 counting this one).

I don’t think I have impressive numbers though. I am more of a lurker but I’m trying to be more active here in Lemmy.


puts on tinfoil hat

You know how women (and some doctors) had problems in the US because the states were getting information on whether they had, were thinking of having, or were having conversations about having an abortion?

You know how there was a possibility (or maybe that really happened, I don’t remember) that the state governments could be aquiring information from women’s period tracking apps and acquiring their behavioral patterns to find out if they were planning on having an abortion?

Well, I’m not a woman, but I am disabled. After I got fired from my job because I couldn’t perform anymore thanks to my disability, (there was no discrimination, I literally could not do my job because of my disability) I applied for disability payment.

I was rejected.

After that, I tried to look for other jobs, but for some strange reason, I couldn’t find a job ANYWHERE in the US. They never called back after telling me they would do a background check on me. I applied for about 70+ companies, I got background checks on 20+.

That didn’t happen before I applied for the disability payments, and as an immigrant that was below the poverty line I wasn’t someone that could put up a fight… Against whom? The companies? The government? I didn’t even know if the fact that I applied for the disability payments was the problem.

At the end, I was able to find a job in a call center working from home. But it took me 8 months for that.

takes off tinfoil hat

It’s a double edged sword, youcan make better products and a better experience for some things, but some people/companies think of other people, especially minorities, disabled, and probably women, as liabilities, and they don’t really want that.

This is why I rather have privacy, the ads are just annoying asf, but the things I said are just 2 examples of why privacy is important.

Hopefully I make sense, and sorry for any grammatical mistakes, English is not my first language.
