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Artist, Designer

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Option 1: Firefox (or any firefox variant like Floorp, Waterfox or LibreWolf) + uBlock Origins, if that doesn’t work -

Option 2: avoid the sites, don’t give them traffic, and -

Option 3: if you really need to read that article, use 12ft ladder and it will probably work.


puts on tinfoil hat

You know how women (and some doctors) had problems in the US because the states were getting information on whether they had, were thinking of having, or were having conversations about having an abortion?

You know how there was a possibility (or maybe that really happened, I don’t remember) that the state governments could be aquiring information from women’s period tracking apps and acquiring their behavioral patterns to find out if they were planning on having an abortion?

Well, I’m not a woman, but I am disabled. After I got fired from my job because I couldn’t perform anymore thanks to my disability, (there was no discrimination, I literally could not do my job because of my disability) I applied for disability payment.

I was rejected.

After that, I tried to look for other jobs, but for some strange reason, I couldn’t find a job ANYWHERE in the US. They never called back after telling me they would do a background check on me. I applied for about 70+ companies, I got background checks on 20+.

That didn’t happen before I applied for the disability payments, and as an immigrant that was below the poverty line I wasn’t someone that could put up a fight… Against whom? The companies? The government? I didn’t even know if the fact that I applied for the disability payments was the problem.

At the end, I was able to find a job in a call center working from home. But it took me 8 months for that.

takes off tinfoil hat

It’s a double edged sword, youcan make better products and a better experience for some things, but some people/companies think of other people, especially minorities, disabled, and probably women, as liabilities, and they don’t really want that.

This is why I rather have privacy, the ads are just annoying asf, but the things I said are just 2 examples of why privacy is important.

Hopefully I make sense, and sorry for any grammatical mistakes, English is not my first language.


I still remember listening to a song that I really liked, so I saw the name and saved it.

Next song came on, there seemed to be a continuation between songs, I was like “damn what a nice transition”, went to save the song: “This song is already in your playlist”

Huh… Ok…

I kept listening, another transition, I was like “damn this album is so nice”, went to save the song, “This song is already in your playlist”.

Ok, what the fuck? Then I saw the full info:

The Odyssey, by Symphony X - 24 minutes


Ahh, I have one story. It’s also kind of my own personal tin-foil-hat conspiracy.

I was living in a place where you could rent, but it was also a hotel. It had a Rent-a-Car inside, and I was working there. It was exceptional because I was 2 floors away from my job, so no need for commuting.

Ultimately, and to make this long story short, I decided to leave the company (it was a small company, just my boss, his wife ane me), because one week I started to get paid less than what I was working, they probably thought I wouldn’t notice.

I immediately started looking for another job, and funnily enough, the hotel - where I lived - was hiring. They basically accepted me after the first interview, I told my boss’ wife that I was leaving the company for the hotel so I gave my two weeks notice.

Next day, I am driving through the highway with my boss to pick up a customer when he starts SCREAMING at me about going to work for the hotel instead of him. One thing stood out from what he screamed at me:

“I will make sure that you don’t get that job, or other jobs in the future, and you will never get this job back either, how are you going to live like that now? You just fucked up” - He said

Now this is the conspiracy/accusation part:

The hotel needed to do a drug test (they did that to everyone). The day of the drug test, I go to the place, do whatever I had to do, and they just told me to wait for an answer.

2 weeks goe by - no response. I call and ask, they say they “lost” my tests. Strange, but ok. I went to do another one.

2 days after the second one, they call me and tell me that the test was positive for weed. Now I’m not going to be a hypocrite and say I’ve never done weed. I have arthritis, so weed is something I sometimes need to handle tha pain and stress, but at that time I was clean for about 5-6 months.

However, I told them that it’s impossible, that I’ve never done weed, that I didn’t even have money to buy weed. They straight up tell me they don’t care and hang up.

Exactly 20-30 minutes later, my former (rent a car company) boss -who I hadn’t spoken to for more than a month- calls me, he doesn’t even ask me how I am or anything, he just goes straight for “where you accepted for the job? How did the drug test go?”

Now, call me crazy but…

  1. I didn’t tell him I was doing a drug test, and if the hotel had told him, they still woul’t have known when I did the drug test.
  2. How did he manage to call me exactly the day I got the results, almost at the same time?
  3. I called the hotel after that call and they told me that they hadn’t even received a call from the drug test place to tell them that it has been positive. That basically I was the one notifying them. However, they said that since it was positive, I couldn’t get the job regardless, no exception.

At the end, I figured I was fighting a losing battle and searched for other jobs. 2 weeks later COVID-19 hit and the rent-a-car had to close, so that was good news for me.


Dr. Pepper because I’m here for a fun time not a long time.


So what is the next step for Google? Raising YT TV to $100/month? $200/month? Raising Youtube Premium to $30/month? Google one to $200/month? Laying off employees?

I mean they gotta keep hitting that 5% growth every year, right? When does it stop? When there’s nobody else at the company? When people can’t afford anything anymore and go bankrupt?

When are companies gonna understand that growth for the sake of growth every year is just not feasable?


I think this is better tbh, I personally don’t like it when piracy forums/sites/whatever piracy related thing goes too mainstream. Maybe it’s gatekeeping, I don’t know, I just don’t want another Z-Library incident.

Either way, they probably aren’t even against piracy, they’re probably just lazy and don’t want to deal with any of the issues they could potentially face down the line.

Edit - grammar


I once tried to watch one of his livestreams… I had no idea what he was saying and he was trying to come up with a simple argument/sentence for something and took about 3-5 minutes to go through 7 words.

I mean, kudos to him for making it to the top but… I seriously have no clue how people understand when he tries to talk.


This reminds me the other day I was in my house stressed because I couldn’t install Cyberpunk 2077 on Fedora (I’m new to Linux so I don’t know much and I had been distro hopping).

My MIL was in the house and she saw my screen filled with open terminals, documentation, lutris, wine, everything you can imagine open because I had no idea how to solve a stupid issue.

I heard her tell my wife “wow he must be pretty busy, he must be doig something really important and it’s so impressive that he can read code like that I didn’t know he could do that”

All I wanted to do was to play some damn game bro…


This is probably NSFW so… warning(?)

I was going to reserve dinner at a place for our 7th anniversary of our marriage. My phone ran out of battery, so she told me to use hers.

While I was using it she received a message saying “tomorrow again? 😏”. Curiosity killed me, I opened the message because, as far as I knew, she stayed home while I was working the day before.

To my surprise, the guy that texted her sent her a video of her on all fours with 2 men cuming on her. Needless to say, there was no 7th anniversary dinner. This was also years ago so I got over it.

I could have said “she cheated on me” and leave it at that but I feel like the whole story is spicier.
