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Chris Remington
98 posts • 165 comments

Volunteer amateur systems administrator for Beehaw. Stay-at-home dad. Outdoor enthusiast.

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This is good to know if I ever need it. Fortunately, we have many barn swallows that nest/breed on our property. They spend most of their days flying all over our property eating mosquitos and other small bugs such as black flies. I, rarely, see these bugs on our property.


We’ve (the admins) already decided on the platform we will be moving to and it will make use of ActivityPub. We haven’t made a public announcement yet. That is coming soon.


Absolutely. My unsolicited advice is to proceed with caution. I was there, many years ago, when the Internet changed from University access to a flood of the public. It has become known as the ‘Eternal September’.

From most person’s experience, during that transition, we all knew each other in real life. There wasn’t anonymity.

And, all of a sudden, there was anonymity. Thus, people could just say anything that they wanted without consequences.

Fast forward to now, and it’s a complete shit show. Where do we turn?


Interesting back story incoming. My brother and I worked at one of the best restaurants (at the time) in Greensboro NC USA. My brother’s roommate (Mike), for several years (1989 - 1992 I believe), had only a high school education. After working a shift at the restaurant, he’d return home and shut himself in his room for hours (this was almost every day). My brother inquired out of curiosity and Mike showed my brother his computer set-up and the types of digital graphics he had been working on. Mike sent a 3 dimensional application to a digital graphics arts school (I believe in Raleigh NC) and was immediately accepted. After easily completing this program of study (Mike was highly gifted and driven), he was snatched up by the company that developed Myst. He went from barely scraping by to making a substantial amount of money in the field he dreamed to work in.


What do you want? Do you want to see more posts/comments?

Beehaw is, specifically, curated for those who want high quality rather than a dumpster fire of trolls and assholes.

So, quality vs quantity.


We can still find engagement in small niche subs on Reddit. We’ve known, for many years, that people were going to move away from large corporate-controlled sites such as Reddit, Twitter etc…

The Fediverse is addressing this. It isn’t a panacea. However, it is a re-imagining of what we want the Internet to be.

There are many others, that will come along after us, to address this further.
