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Honestly, I’m kind of baffled by the opposite; when people are committed to their family for family’s sake even when they’re abusive. Putting the concept of family on a pedestal to the point of self-destruction never made much sense to me, there needs to be a limit for any relationship, family or not.

The reality has just been more starkly revealed in the US that many people care more about their religion and political allegiance than who their family truly are as people.


Clinton probably shares the most responsibility of any individual person for the Trump presidency. Only a Trump supporter would want Clinton at this point.


I’m the opposite, as I got out of my teens I really started to get less and less out of single-player games. They just felt like an empty theme park for the most part. I found myself more drawn to games like DayZ where it’s not just PVP, but it’s entirely open for you and others to choose how you play and approach eachother.

That anarchy of play styles has produced some of the greatest experiences I’ve had in a game because the “characters” you meet are real people and you have to use real reasoning and human social skills to navigate situations, whether it’s determining how suspicious someone is, making a hard call when you are uncertain, or forming alliances and building trust. I actually am the main character of my own story and what I bring to the table determines what sort of story I have.

Single-player games simply can’t offer that. In a single-player you’re just inhabiting a fictional character as their story progresses along rails like a train ride. I’d rather just watch a film or series for that kind of story.

And a game like Elden Ring where you just rotely try over and over until you find the scripted limits of the AI just doesn’t do much for me, I never feel fully engaged or accomplished. But when I engage with a human stranger and either negotiate or outwit them (or get outwitted) that is really mentally stimulating for me because there’s this overlap with reality where the human interactions are unsimulated.


It still finally starts to break the narrative that Israel and right-wingers in the US have been spinning for the past 70 years, which has value.

Once that spell is broken there’s no putting it back in place, and as Israel starts being seen by people as just another country it becomes easier and easier for the discussion to be about why the world is supporting them in behaving this way.

We will see it discussed more openly and frankly by our political candidates, it opens the real possibility of getting zionism out of our politics in the US eventually. Sadly it does not help people who are suffering right now, but it’s a pretty huge shift in the perception of Israel and that’s important.


Download the kiwix app for whatever OS you’re using, then go into Kiwix and click on the folder icon in the app and navigate to where the .zim file you downloaded is located. If you click it it should automatically pop-up and be viewable.

If you did that and it’s still failing, is it giving you a specific error or anything?


Like I said, it was heavily implied to get him into office. He never corrected anyone because he knew it was helping him.


I feel angry and betrayed that the guy who got elected by heavily implying he’d be a one term “caretaker” president went and used the power we gave him to help slaughter and starve a bunch of innocent men, women and children and is now clinging to power in the face of record unpopularity and is costing us our democracy.

The narcissistic entitlement of this man is quite literally Trump-like in its scale. Acting like a child having his toy taken away.

No one cares that you spent your whole life chasing the presidency, Joe. You’re unpopular and your legacy will be that of the guy who funded one of the most egregious genocides of this century.


The 100Gb version mentioned above does only have thumbnails/lowres pictures, yeah. Better than nothing for some types of articles, but not everything. The true text-only version is actually only ~53Gb though.


Yeah, no. The truth matters. Especially when it comes to genocide and our leadership. This is just teally round abput apologia “Embrace the cognitive dissonance of supporting genocide. It’s safer for middle-class comfort.”

This article reads like neoliberal playing a caricature of a progressive if I’m being honest.


I’m all for ranked choice, there’s no real downside. I think though that Republicans, rather than become less extreme, would simply challenge ranked choice when it started to benefit the left. They are actually doing this now in Alaska, where there is ranked choice voting and they’re trying to make it illegal with a ballot initiative.

They’d have to have their judicial power reduced I think. With the extremist supreme court there isn’t much in the regard that would stand I don’t think. Could be wrong though.
