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Bro, what? Let’s say you’re a baker with a storefront where you sell baked goods, and in the back, you make your products. However, if you look at your books, you realize that you’re actually making money not from the bread you make and sell, but from selling something entirely different. Now, what happens if this thing that you’re selling to make money becomes unavailable, and other bakers who are actually making money from their products outperform you over time? Yeah, Tesla is screwed. They no longer make the best bread, and their main source of income is gone once regulations change. Other bakeries will surpass them with time. Tesla is an interesting concept, but it’s not just a car manufacturing company; it’s a tech company that is lagging behind in innovation and has run out of profitable ideas to sell. Tesla stock is traded as a tech company that is supposed to have groundbreaking technology that makes them more valuable than other car manufacturers. The problem is they don’t possess such technology, so it’s a massively overvalued car company. My prediction is that within five years, other car manufacturers will completely surpass Tesla, and within another five years, Tesla will become mostly irrelevant. This is assuming nothing changes, as they have nothing in their pipeline that gives me confidence they can turn this situation around. Elon Musk is great at selling “fake” visions that, when scrutinized, do not hold up.


How do you define causing more harm than good? To our species? The people who can afford overseas vacations? The economy? And surely, it’s not foolish to think that destroying our planet has no consequences. 😊 What do you think people should do to protest? They have been protesting for years with proper permissions and official support, and guess what? Nobody cared. I’m not defending their actions, but I can understand why the situation is escalating. Depending on where you live, tensions rise in more than one sense. It’s difficult to witness the world deteriorating. You can choose to ignore it, of course, but ultimately it won’t matter. We are all facing consequences, whether from nature, our own species’ actions, or social and economic inequalities. Perhaps it’s a combination of all these factors. Who knows? XD - The next chapter in our civilization will indeed be interesting, as in one way or another, change remains the only constant in life.


I’m pretty sure the point of these protests is not to make an immediate impact on statistic you pull out. They know better than that. It’s about the big picture. It’s about raising awareness of environmental problems and keeping them at the forefront of people’s minds. It’s about reminding people what’s at stake. The details of how much emissions they saved that day are irrelevant; it’s about taking action.

43 points

No more awards and such, I guess. It will be terminated in September. I came across some screenshots of people attempting to get a refund, explaining that they had purchased so many Reddit coins that they couldn’t distribute them before the shutdown. Meanwhile, here I am, observing individuals who possess more wealth in Reddit coins (which hold no real-life value) than I have to buy food for a year. We truly live in a strange world. I don’t know why they decided to get rid of it, but it does seem odd, especially considering there are people who even “whale” within the Reddit community.


Yeah, sure. Have you ever heard of ‘reactions to actions’? What do you think would happen if Russia were to start targeting foreign satellites? How confident are you that they actually possess the technology to disable around 2000 out of the 4000 Starlink satellites to clear paths above Russia/Ukraine? Or, what do you think Russia is capable of in this regard? and did you really belive musk does this for free and with no ulterior idea? 😂😂😂, but there’s no such thing as free. Here’s just one example: Link to CNBC article on Pentagon awarding SpaceX a Ukraine contract for Starlink satellite internet https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/01/pentagon-awards-spacex-with-ukraine-contract-for-starlink-satellite-internet.html
