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I’m not sounding shitty, I’m trying to understand why people would want to fight with pumps and tubes and all that shit by the side of the road rather than preparing themselves not to have that situation.

Riding with your kid isn’t cycle commuting and is a different case entirely so isn’t really relevant for the conversation.


Armoured for an electric bike I’ve had in the past where it didn’t make that much difference, tubeless otherwise. It isn’t so much the weight it is the carry extra crap.

I commute on the same bike I use for training / fun, what’s your point. Like you say as long as you are conscious of where you are riding I just don’t see the necessity of carrying even more parafinalia around with you.

A good tubeless set up means minimal rotational weight and not having to stop at all and fight with tyres and tubes and pumps and all that shit. It just all seems illogical to me.


But why carry excess weight and lose valuable bag space everyday taking unnecessary things with you. If you are commuting by bike then you need your bike to be reliable which means you should invest in good tyres.

If you are getting punctures then you either need to get an armoured tyre if you are using tubes (I’ve used specialised crossroads and marathon plus) or invest in a proper tubeless setup.

I just don’t really understand why you’d carry a load of crap you don’t need for the sake of being “prepared” rather than investing in the mode of transport you rely on to get you to work every single day. No one wants to be trying to fix a puncture in the pouring rain knowing you still have to also work a full shift for the sake of not just investing a small amount of money into tour setup.

I haven’t had one puncture in all my years of commuting which I put down to being prepared in terms of getting the right gear for the job in the first place. Regular maintanance and cleaning to keep your bike running well is all you need, the only tool I’ve ever carried is a small multi tool and I’ve not once used that even.


Ah, didn’t know it was on the master system as well. I started my video game journey when I was 5 with a Mega Drive and never really played much master system beyond one Alex the Kidd game!

I don’t see bonanza bros mentioned very often though, glad someone else appreciates it :D


Genuine question but why do you need one? I’ve cycle commuted for around 10 years now and have never needed to carry a pump on me.


I started on Koontz maybe a year or so ago and have been working my way through his work. I like his books but he definitely has a similar theme running through a lot of his books which is making them more predictable the more I read.

With Deathlands I’m an audio book guy so I have the GraphicAudio versions which I share on soulseek if you decide you want to listen to them rather than read them.

Although the setting is very different they are kind of reminding me of Harry Harrison’s Stainless Steel Rat series (which I adore) for some reason so far.


I have recently finished Breathless by Dean Koontz which was alright, pretty typical Koontz story with all the usual elements. Not one of his best but not bad per se.

Odd Thomas: You are destined to be together, again by Dean Koontz. This was just a short story that precludes all the Odd Thomas stories, very short adding a little back story. It was alright to add onto the knowledge of the series I guess but it covered a lot of ground that you already knew from going through the other books anyway so not really sure it was worth it.

Now I have started Deathlands by James Axler. I finished the first book and I’m towards the end of the second, really enjoying this so far, I think it is just going to be lots of shorter stories from within the same universe but I’m fine with that, I like the setting and the writing so far. There are so many installments (I think I have 150 or so currently) so it is definitely something I’ll be dipping in and out of.

Manga wise I finished Gantz recently, I have read it before and it is probably my favourite and I enjoyed it a lot again this time! I have moved onto Cage of Eden from that which I dip into every now and then.


I have no idea I’m afraid. Never emulated on android, I used to use I think it was called K Fusion on PC for a bit but tbh I’ve mostly played on original hardware :)


These three Sega consoles are my childhood, Saturn is one of my favourite consoles despite it being generally seen in a negative light.

Mega Drive:

Story of Thor

Chaos Engine

Micro Machines games (2 turbo tournament was my fav)

Sonic games but specifically I really loved Sonic Spinball as an outlier.

Mega Bomberman

Bonanza Brothers

I could go on but I don’t know what you have played before without just listing the greatest hits like Streets of Rage and the like.


Nights Into Dreams

Panzer Dragoon Saga

Guardian Heroes

Darkstalkers Revenge

Burning Rangers

Fighting Vipers or Fighters Megamix

Die Hard Arcade

Sega Rally

Sonic R

Saturn Bomberman (the greatest bomberman version that exists IMO)

I strongly recommend just exploring the Saturn in general as there is some great stuff out there, some of it janky as fuck but it is of its time.


Space Channel 5

Power Stone 1 and 2

Crazy Taxi

Jet Set Radio

Chu Chu Rocket

Rival Schools (some amazing special moves in the best em up, I always remember the synchronised swimming guy)


All of these consoles are worth exploring though and these are just a few that come to mind straight away for me.
