We’re on track to becoming Russia, and Russia hasn’t used their nukes yet.
Vote Green. That’s what you do.
The DNC suppresses leftist voices and demands leftist votes.
The dismissal and condescension towards Arab-Americans who were upset over Gaza was fucking insane. That isn’t going to be forgotten.
there is no way I can vote for her because of what her standing is with rights are".
What does this mean? Do your friends actually talk like that?
I hate the left for allowing us to get to this stage.
I’m curious what you think the left did.
It would be foolish to say that gender wasn’t a factor, but I don’t think it was the deciding factor.
Radicals by definition aren’t the majority.
My ballot had two choices: Biden and uncommitted. I voted uncommitted.
A primary with one name on the ballot is not a primary.
That’s about to change.