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There are some Indian dishes without them. I’ve had good results making things from a book called The Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking. No onions or garlic are used in any of the recipes and there are plenty without beans.


If you redefine the length of a second, all sorts of bad things would happen because of the transition. And that’s even before you remove the standard for what a second means because the length of a day will change over time. As for weeks and months, check out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Fixed_Calendar for one such idea.


I didn’t like it. Death was treated so lightly in it. In the old one, Vash doesn’t shoot his gun until episode 5 because a fancy action sequence wasn’t the point. Nobody gets turned into bloody mist. Vash’s pacifism and its consequences are explored in interesting ways.

And Knives doesn’t play the organ. At that point, they should have just given him a mustache to twirl as that would have been subtler. He was a major disappointment in the new one.

More cliche and just bad, blunt directing with the percentage meter during the plant stuff in the final episode or two of the season as well.

I’m sure I could come up with more specifics if I reviewed each episode, but it generally lacked the charm, mystery, humor, and tension of the old one.


Well yeah, how else am I going to get the energy to slog through all the dull stuff?


This is just my experience as an adult with little music background. I tried guitar and it was not beginner friendly for a few reasons:

Notes appear multiple places on the fretboard, which means chords have tons of forms. This leads into my next point of knowing what to play and where to play it.

For reading music (I know you say just read tabs but tabs have their own issues) there are several notation systems that all get crammed together to make sight reading extra difficult. For any given note, in addition to the pitch and duration from the standard musical notation, there may be instructions for which string to fret, which finger on the right hand to use, and which position to be in (how far down the fretboard your where hand is).

Bar chords. I really hit a wall with these and the awful contortions expected of me to produce these.

Counterpoint or music in two parts. Having trouble remembering where a note is as a beginner or keeping rhythm? How about we add a few more than will be fretted differently depending on what comes before or after and that have a different duration? Now move only some of your fingers so you can let one line ring out while playing together from the other line.

You may say that these aren’t beginner topics, but they’re all covered in the first book I ever learned from that started with how to hold a guitar and notes in the first position.


Cico severely oversimplifies things. Check this out for one possible alternative: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002916522005172?via%3Dihub The only downside is you can’t boil down a whole bunch of complex processes to a useless catchphrase. From its abstract:

Conceptualizing obesity as a disorder of energy balance restates a principle of physics without considering the biological mechanisms that promote weight gain.


Here’s the part where it says cico (ebm in the paper) hasn’t really produced any results, since your skimming missed it.

Furthermore, conceptual adoption of the EBM has failed to stem the obesity pandemic.[emphasis mine]Governments and professional health organizations heavily promote energy restriction (especially with low-fat diets) and exercise; nutrition labels on packaged foods prominently display calorie content; and personal responsibility to avoid excess weight gain is emphasized in patient care. Nevertheless, obesity prevalence continues to increase worldwide, prompting spectacularly complex formulations of the EBM addressing myriad biological, behavioral, environmental, and societal factors converging on energy balance (Supplemental Figure 1), with questionable practical translation.

Tldr even with cico being pushed at a population level, 70% of Americans are still overweight or obese. Why do you think that is?
