Furry Chat
Furry Chat
Yiffit chat! Talk about anything you want here.
Mention @chat@yiffit.net from your favorite Fediverse / Mastodon client to post here directly, or post directly via any Lemmy instance.
Community Icon (CC-BY-NC-SA) Tom Fischbach
Community stats
Monthly active users
Community moderators
With reddit killing third party apps and severely restricting their API, Yiffit aims to be a free and open alternative dedicated to sharing furry artwork (always with attribution), memes and meaningful discussion.
Yiffit.net is proud to be a LGBTQ+ safe space, inclusive, non-judgemental, community oriented, and so queer as fuck that we are unmarketable by any corporation ;)
Content: Both SFW & NSFW
Federation: Enabled
Community creation: Yes!
Registrations: open, with manual approval to prevent abuse
Notable rules:
- No underage characters.
- All NSFW content must be appropriately flagged.
- All posts must have attribution and the DNP list must be respected.
- Sharing content that is behind a pay wall (piracy) is strictly forbidden.
- Real NSFW photos and videos are only allowed if they are related to the submitter (eg. a selfie). This is to prevent distribution of sensitive photos without permission of the people depicted in them.
- Posting via bots is allowed as long as long as itâs within the established frequency limits.
While unusual if youâre not familiar with furry artwork, this instanceâs content is safe and legal to federate with.
For a full list of rules and recommended communities, visit this pinned post.
DNP, Takedown requests or inquiries can be sent to @Wander@yiffit.net (Fediverse) or wanderpackmatesorg (email).
If youâre a moderator of a furry or yiff subreddit and would like to jump on board of the moderation team at Yiffit, please let us know!