So this is something I’ve been thinking about a bit recently, and I’d be interested in hearing people’s thoughts on the matter.

Lets suppose you meet someone, and chat socially with them. Maybe a work colleague, maybe a friend met through a friend. You aren’t that close with them, but you get the vibe that they aren’t a bigot or judgemental at the very least. If the conversation turned to furry stuff, would you tell them that you like furry art?

Do you keep a different set of non-furry socials for your irl friends and family? What about having a furry profile pic on your work slack? Or your Github? Do you try hard to make sure that nobody will be able to find your secret furry double life if they know you IRL?

I guess, in essence, I’m wondering if you draw a hard line between your “sfw furry life” and your “IRL life”.

6 points

If the conversation turns to it I’m perfectly fine with “outing” myself. Pretty much everyone except for my immediate family knows. I haven’t seen much downside to presenting the furry side of me to others. People either don’t really know what a furry is, or are a furry and I can potentially make a new connection. I haven’t had a person suddenly turn judgmental yet, which is neat.

I use my sona pic pretty much everywhere, although work requires I use a pic of myself so I don’t use it there. I’ve made little progress into the world of art, but I did my current icon on my own and I’m very proud of it, so I like to display it wherever I can even if looks a little rough.

I don’t put any effort into hiding my sfw furry side, but I do make sure my nsfw side stays separate. Nothing drastic, just a different name and whatnot.


Yeah. I mean, 9 times outta 10 for me IRL the only people who even know what a furry is at all are other furries. It’s not even like a passing knowledge thing, like “isn’t that a sex thing?” They straight up have never heard the term before, so I have nothing to really be ashamed of telling anyone, since I’ll just describe it as being really into Disney movies like Zootopia and Robin Hood.

4 points

I started using Discord during the pandemic to talk with co-workers in our off time. One of them is an anti-fur. The vast majority of people that I speak to on the platform are furries, but because I’ve got people I know IRL connected, I’ve kept the default blank profile pic.

4 points

Hmmm, to me this is something I don’t really care if others find out. I’ve shown a few sketches to friends in college and even coworkers when we talk about drawing or if they just look at my notebook for a moment. I actually have this same pfp at GitHub 😂

And I once talked about furry in college, it was a bit weird at the moment 'cause all they knew was about yiff. So… I’m who I am IRL and in the fandom 🤔

4 points

I have Bad Dragon stickers in my clear-backed phone case and a custom plate that has UWU on it hahaha

3 points

Bad Dragon stickers are interesting, in that to people that know, know, and people that don’t know (most) its just another random brand sticker.


I am not a furry, but now I found one of your secrets.

Although if I’ll see it, I’ll rather not mention that I know it. :-)

Now I also wonder how many people recognize the Linux and Vim stickers on my water bottle 🤔

3 points

You commenting in the furry chat might lead to some doubt of that first statement.
I imagine the overlap of people that recognize all 3 is high.

2 points

Valid point! A lady asked about my Bad Dragon hoodie before which took me off guard! Why would she ask about that, if she didn’t already know? I’ve never had someone ask about any of my other hoodies… she had to have known, but she was like 50+ and a mom-type lady!


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