It’s not his fault, but it explains why people don’t think voting will help.
That attitude is why Rowe v. Wade is gone now. The Parties are NOT the same!!!
Agreed that the bOtH sIdEs argument is utter bullshit.
However, Roe was never actually codified into law because it was a reliable rallying cry for Democratic politicians. Put another way: Democrats never seriously pushed to make Roe an actual law because it was politically beneficial to the party in elections.
Democratic politicians have bleated about protecting abortion rights for decades, but simultaneously completely ignored actually protecting abortion rights with laws.
Democrats never push to do anything that upsets the status quo. They are cowards. And any democrat who does push that agenda, is labeled some sort of extremist socialist nutjob.
This is why so many of us are outraged.
There have never been 60 Senate votes to enshrine abortion. The last time Democrats had 60 Senate votes at all was for 2 months early in Obama’s first term – and many of those senators were Manchin style conservative Democrats.
If there were 50 votes in favor of ending the filibuster, then we might actually have enough. But we don’t have that either.
If not like voters were unaware of this either. The pro lifers made abortion a constant topic of discussion. If the electorate wanted Roe enshrined, they would’ve voted for more Democrats, and Democrats who won primaries would be pro choice.
The unfortunate reality is there’s never been enough votes to do so.
I completely agree that both parties aren’t the same, but the data shows that people don’t believe elections are a way to effectively create change. If people don’t think voting will help, they’re less likely to vote. It’s not that people like Republicans more than Democrats, it’s that they don’t like government.
I know several people like this. It’s so hard to explain to them that a vote for the status quo is better than letting things get even worse. If we don’t halt the degeneration we can’t ever turn things around. You can’t push something up without first stopping its fall.
I think the hardest part is that the feedback loop for voting is too slow for people to see its effects. It took decades of consistent voting by conservative Christians to get Roe v. Wade repealed. The urgency of the messaging around voting during election season makes it seem - to a politically-uninterested observer - like each election is an end unto itself.
What really matters with voting is doing it consistently. It should feel like doing your taxes, not like an epic struggle for the future of the country. The idea that a single election will produce the kind of systemic change I think most people want to see is just wrong.
Well, decades of semi-consistent voting (wasn’t so consistent in 2006 or 08, just to grab two elections off the top of my head), and a couple billion dollars in dark money thrown at judges and law schools and think tanks to launder all their extremist garbage, which is something the left doesn’t really have
conservatives are more far-sighted than the democracts, yes. that is why they have been so much more successful.
they are also far more willing to lie, cheat, and steal. The democrats won’t.