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-21 points

In 2016 I voted Trump. In fact before that election I mostly voted republicanish except in some cases.

You have to remember in 2016 that Hillary was deeply unlikeable, and I believe her email scandal should have put her in way more trouble than it actually did. Her platform at the time was that you should vote for her because then she would be the first woman president! The country needed something else.

Hillary was not the answer and it was the DNC’s inability to read the room that lost them the election.

I fucking love Bernie but he wasn’t the right guy either. He sticks to his ideals which is a fantastic quality but doesn’t win general elections, which realistically needs people who are more center aligned.

I regret my Trump vote and will never repeat that mistake but it’s hard to know where we’d be had it been that Hillary shyster.

-5 points

Hillary was unlikeable because she was a woman who wasn’t submissive. Sexist people hate that. Everyone who ever met her loves her. The only unlikable thing is her unwillingness to take bullshit. Hillary was in-line to win by a landslide “unlikeable” or not. It took the media buying into a lie and Comey making misleading statements about her being under investigation (with no actual crimes suspected) a week before the election for Trump to win by the tightest margin ever.

The DNC is the party who notoriously dropkicks people on the merest whiff of impropriety. And here we had a fabricated criminal controversy. We played right into Trump’s hands.

…just food for thought. Ever notice how we Americans seem to remember VIRTUALLY EVERY Democratic presidential candidate in a bad light over some sort non-substantial reason or another like “unlikeable” or “tried too hard” or “claimed to invent the internet” or “was a douchebag”? Ever notice how older Democrats still somehow remember RONALD FUCKING REAGAN as the best president of their lives?

The Republicans bought the propaganda machine when Nixon lost. It’s all a goddamn lie.

6 points

Hillary was unlikeable because she was a woman who wasn’t submissive. Sexist people hate that. Everyone who ever met her loves her.

I mean, that’s just validating her own reasoning on why she lost the election. She didn’t win because she was arrogant, and decided she didn’t have to campaign in Michigan.

People also didn’t like the fact that she and the DNC colluded together to torpedo Sander’s primary at any given chance.

I personally don’t like her because of what the Clinton’s have done to the DNC over the last 2 decades, particularly their championing of 3rd way politics.

Offhandedly blaming every valid criticism as Republican propaganda does nothing but drive people away. Hillary Clinton was obviously a bad candidate, this is self evident in the fact that she lost to a conman.

It’s not the job of the DNC to blame voters for not voting for their chosen candidate, it’s their job to give us candidates that we want to vote for.

0 points

People also didn’t like the fact that she and the DNC colluded together to torpedo Sander’s primary at any given chance

And she didn’t. People keep repeating this, but it’s not a fact. The DNC started transitioning over to Hillary after Bernie already had statistically ZERO chance but before he formally resigned. A bunch of people (including Bernie) got pissed about that, but not only is it not unheard-of, it’s downright sensible when Bernie wasn’t even planning to run on the Democratic ticket no matter what happened.

As I keep saying elsewhere. It’s really weird that everyone seems to hate Democrats who run for president more than Republicans who run for President, but for reasons they can never quite pin down to anything related to facts.

I personally don’t like her because of what the Clinton’s have done to the DNC over the last 2 decades, particularly their championing of 3rd way politics.

Bill was a moderate. Yeah, I know. Hillary was further to the left than her husband. Should we have given Trump the 2016 presidency because Hillary was married to a moderate?

Offhandedly blaming every valid criticism as Republican propaganda does nothing but drive people away

“Offhandedly blaming 9/11 on the Taliban does nothing but drive people away”. There’s no question 2016 was Republican propaganda and Hillary. I ABSOLUTELY have valid criticisms about the Democratic party. But that doesn’t mean every stupid criticism should be taken as valid. The Republicans have gotten REALLY good at the propaganda game.

Hillary Clinton was obviously a bad candidate, this is self evident in the fact that she lost to a conman.

As “unpopular” as Hillary was, she was sladed to crush her by historic margins before you account for the Russian hacking scandal. You can disagree with me on that all you want, but if you DON’T get oppositionally defiant on that fact, then you can make no negative statements about her in good faith out of the 2016 election results.

It’s not the job of the DNC to blame voters for not voting for their chosen candidate, it’s their job to give us candidates that we want to vote for

Normally I would agree with you. 2016 was different. If Charles Manson ran for President and won, it’s the voters faults. NOBODY who did the least bit of research wasn’t shitting their pants on election day 2016.

“Sleep now in the fire.” And because we can’t fucking learn our lessons and we STILL blame the perfectly viable Hillary Clinton, we are indeed sleeping in the fire that Zack de la Rocha warned us about.

10 points

This is either insane revisionism or this person is and was totally oblivious to messaging that may have contradicted their predetermined conclusion. Hillary Clinton had many many issues, but she absolutely had a very detailed and solid platform. The fact that certain elements of our society chose to only pay attention to her having a vagina is irrelevant to whether she actually had, maintained, and tried to advocate an actual platform. And the idea of voting for Trump but “loving” Sanders is like the perfect encapsulation of how utterly fucking dumb “independents” actually are in this country. Jfc

16 points

Voted for Trump but loves Bernie?

Please help me square the circle here.

5 points

Bernie plays as outside the establishment, Trump was also very much outside the establishment.

2 points

Sure, and they both drink water.

But one is outside the norm making things much worse while the other wants to make them much better.

They’re opposites in my mind.

4 points

My mother did the same. Her reasoning could be summarized as “how bad could it be?”. It turns out that, when placing a narcissistic con man in the highest office in the nation, the answer was pretty fucking bad.

2 points

I love Bernie and what he stands for, and I did vote for him. I can sympathize with the hard choices we are all having to make of late.


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