Welcome to Non-Voters! Remember to /uj any serious leftist opinions.

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No one’s voting for Trump, he’s extremely unpopular and there are no more voters left for him to convince at this point, he’s scraped together all the racists and nazis and traitors. And regardless of that, Biden is still trailing him by ten points. He’s that unfit.

If he runs, he will lose. It doesn’t matter how you feel about the genocide or how much you want to blame the “left”, Biden simply can’t win and he’s not stepping aside so that’s him handing Trump a victory. He’s the only one with the power to avoid crisis.

The Republicans are literally talking about trying to sue if Biden steps down, that’s how much they want him to run.


Non-Voters: Trumpists in disguise


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Welcome to Non-Voters, a safe space for closet Trump fans, Stalinists who never did any direct action in their lives, and self-hating trans people who want to be genocided and to take the West Bank with us!

/uj This is a parody sub designed to make fun of non-voting liberals who pretend to be leftists.

Rule 1, Unjerk Tagging: Any genuinely held leftist opinions must be tagged with the /uj tone tag.
Liberal opinions we are mocking should not be tagged /uj.

Rule 2, Taking It Too Far: No slurs, no heil hitlers, bigotry shouldn’t be too believable, no misgendering.

Rule 3, Clarity of Satire: All posts should clearly be marked as satire such that nobody scrolling the feed casually could think we actually believe this shit. Go wild in the comments.

Rule 4, Unironic Advocacy: People who actually believe in the conservative, liberal, stalinist, reactionary, and/or bigoted takes here will be made fun of in the spirit of the joke.

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