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1 point

Ahh, see, but the gun people don’t say it’s solely to kill. They say it’s “a tool”. I guess it could be for hunting, or skeet shooting, or target practice. One could argue that they get more out of owning a gun than just killing people.

But the result of gun ownership is also death where it wouldn’t have otherwise occurred. Yes, LLMs are a tool, but they also destroy the environment through enormous consumption of energy which is mostly created using non-renewable, polluting sources. Thus, LLM use is killing people, even if that’s not the intent.

3 points

Difference remains whatever people claim. Guns are weapons made to cause damage first and foremost, and tools second. LLMs are tools first and whatever else second. You can un-dangerousify a tool by using it properly, but you can’t do that with a literal weapon. Danger and damage and harm is their entire reason to exist in the first place.

1 point

Good point, but I also think that the intent does not necessarily affect the result. BTW I also think guns shouldn’t be a thing, unless under very strict circumstances (military, licensed hunters). I also posit that the use of unlicensed LLMs in the general public is proving to be irresponsible. That is to say, a specific and worthy use case should be established and licensed to use these “AI” tools.
