edit: now it’s a meme and we can all hug in the comments.
You missed the entire point. If you’re bored with it all, that’s valid. If you don’t like psls too early, that’s valid. But let other people enjoy things. If they get enjoyment out of these products, does that really negatively affect you?
let other people enjoy things
What if they aren’t enjoying it?
What if they’re just getting caught up in the oppressive frenzy of hype culture, getting bombarded with ad-induced anxiety, or simply trying to fit in with whatever they’re told is “normal”? What if the emperor has no clothes but we’re all told its rude to point?
Am I allowed to make fun of Morbius? Or is that under the Let People Enjoy Things rubric?
If they get enjoyment out of these products, does that really negatively affect you?
If its getting injected into every webpage, spamming up my email, blaring across the radio, on billboards along every mile of road, and natively included in every other media venue I visit?
So who cares then? Stop worrying about other people and worry about yourself. Let other people enjoy things you think are a waste of time. If the worst it does is some billboards and spam, then it’s the same as all the other spam. Letting yourself get worked up over it is only affecting you. You aren’t making them better, you’re making yourself worse with anger. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go enjoy a pumpkin spice latte.
So who cares then?
Presumably the people drowning in this suffocating deluge of mass marketing.
If someone liking something I don’t like doesn’t negatively impact me then doesn’t that mean that me not liking something that someone likes doesn’t negatively impact them?
If so then why does any of this matter? They’re free to gush on about the thing and I’m free to complain about it.
They want narrative control and they want a squishy feel good world without any critiques. Poptimism and it’s consequences has been amazing for corporate brands who can now act like victims when the biggest franchises on earth are mocked, and their fans do the victim whining on their behalf