Funny, how only the International Community™ are the only ones who condemn China about Xinjiang while Muslim countries support China. If China were really genociding Muslims, wouldn’t Muslim countries care a bit more about what’s going on?
I still don’t get it (forgive me for being dense)
- US supports the genocide of Palestine
- China supports the genocide of Uighurs
Is this really not a case of the Pot calling the kettle black?
Strange cause I don’t see any evidence of a genocide…kinda hard to hide in this day and age of technology. Or are you just repeating what the Western media says?
Remember also that a big aspect of colonizer guilt, is accusing your enemies of that which you are guilty of (the west accusing China of being anti-muslim, accusing the USSR of anti-semitism, etc) This is why average USonians can’t accept the idea that other countries haven’t committed genocide, and are not as evil as theirs is, and default to a “all countries bad”.
Nope. Muslim countries are telling you that a genocide isn’t happening. So why do you believe Adrian Zenz (the source of these claims, a white supremacist christian evangelical), and the western countries who have been bombing Muslim countries for decades, and the US who is in the middle of a trade war with China?
You forgot zenz is a nazi apologist
Could I get a mirror of this? Reddit media links are totally broken for me and always redirect to this one post
That would be a great point, except that the official line from both Aljazeera and TRT say otherwise:
An absolute bombshell of an article on Xinjiang from Neue Zürcher Zeitung
First of all the article is written by probably the 2 most highly respected German sinologists: Thomas Heberer, a senior professor of Chinese politics and society at the University of Duisburg-Essen and Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, a senior professor of Chinese studies and the director of the China Centrum Tübingen (CCT).
They write that even though “the travel group could not ascertain general discrimination against the Uighur language and culture, in Xinjiang, as in all areas of ethnic minorities with their language and script, the main language of instruction in schools from secondary level is Mandarin. The native language is always offered as a subject in compulsory schooling.”
Their conclusion: “If the human rights situation continues to normalize demonstrably, the EU should initiate dialogue and reconsider the sanctions imposed on China due to Xinjiang.”
And if there are any genocides going on, things like this wouldn’t even happen: Xinjiang defies Western curbs as foreign trade hits record high, surges by 47%
Media companies and individual articles don’t necessarily represent their entire countries, and these countries are not monoliths of opinion. Qatar for example voted multiple times against considering this a genocide, most recently in 2022 by voting to block a US initiative in the UNHRC trying to open up a debate about this.
Again, it’s only the white colonizer countries, who have been bombing Muslims for decades, that are trying to accuse their enemies of their own crimes. Why do you believe them?
It’s been like 4 years now, that shit’s been debunked (by the west, no less) through and through. They literally invented that narrative to distract from the fact they were funding fascists in the region, and it worked because the average american is basically an anticommunist nazi who has no problem accepting shit if it aligns with their internalized fascism, but asks for “Source???” to anyone with a different prospective.
Hell, Fox news even bragged about how they were going to run a “Sinofication” narrative and people STILL bought it hook line and sinker.
Colour me an anticommunist Nazi (my voting habits, open source contirbutions, and my second generation immigrant background would hint otherwise, but fine boil me down to a single instance on a single matter), I would love to see a source on this because it’s genuinely the first I’ve heard of it
Uh, here, there’s a comprehensive response video to the claim of genocide in Xinjiang, just to balance it out… (eg. debunks the source of the 1 million imprisoned):
my second generation immigrant background would hint otherwise
What, Slavic I suppose?