Wait, what?! 😂 Okay, so is this gonna be a cloud based thing, because how stadia was so successfull? Or are these going to be downloaded apps? Or just stand alone choose your own adventure like black mirrors bandersnatch?
On its website, Netflix says by the end of the year it’ll have 86 games for subscribers to play. This includes the recently announced Grand Theft Auto Trilogy - Definitive Edition off the back of the first trailer for GTA 6.
Or are they gonna mail me a disc for gta again? Lol I’m genuinely so confused what this will eventually look like.
Stadia was successful. Everyone just hated on it for some reason. Didn’t get the playerbase so it was sold off. Was a fantastic service and I curse google daily
Wasn’t successful in playerbase no. Was in terms of a cloud gaming system. It worked. All I neeee it to do. Didn’t hit googles lofty ideals though.
They have games for Android already and you actually download the games; you don’t stream them. Notice that this article doesn’t specify whether these 10 games are for mobile or PC, though…
Orly?! I had no idea! And also… no interest in actually looking into those games or buying Netflix again.
Thanks for the clarification! ♥ 💕