Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02.22 по 24.01.24 орієнтовно склали / The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 24.01.24 were approximately:
особового складу / personnel ‒ близько/ about 378660 (+840) осіб / persons, танків / tanks ‒ 6227 (+13) од, бойових броньованих машин / APV ‒ 11579 (+31) од, артилерійських систем / artillery systems – 9008 (+61) од, РСЗВ / MLRS – 971 (+1) од, засоби ППО / Anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 659 (+2) од, літаків / aircraft – 331 (+0) од, гелікоптерів / helicopters – 324 (+0) од, БПЛА оперативно-тактичного рівня / UAV operational-tactical level – 6998 (+37), крилаті ракети / cruise missiles ‒ 1842 (+22), кораблі /катери / warships / boats ‒ 23 (+0) од, підводні човни / submarines - 1 (+0) од, автомобільної техніки та автоцистерн/ vehicles and fuel tanks – 12005 (+49) од, спеціальна техніка / special equipment ‒ 1416 (+7)
Дані уточнюються / Data are being updated.
source: https://t.me/s/GeneralStaffZSU
61 artillery systems :-)
Slava Ukraini!
9008 out of 5.689 they had beginning of the war according to minusrus. Minusrus has a bit different categories, but in general it seems like all they have left is barrels from N-Korea and what they can produce. No matter how that’s counted, it has to have an impact on what Russia can do on the field. I haven’t checked on what kinds of amounts they can produce, but I heavily doubt it’s 60/day.
Russia has access to massive amounts of old Soviet artillery storage. Before the war it was 12345 towed and 5093 self propelled, but that includes once which can not be fixed. Unfortunatly satellite imagry is unable to show that. However half a year ago they were already down to 7500 towed and 4408 self propelled. Given that that was half a year ago, it propably is worse today and a lot of what is left is propably to bad to be fixed.
The more I look at it, the more Russia is struggling to keep the war going. If the US would continue its support I would be pretty sure Ukraine is going to win.
If the US would continue its support I would be pretty sure Ukraine is going to win.
And if the west in general would stop fearing for the ghost of soviet union or something and give them what they need in quantities that they need. I of course understand that it’s a massively complex problem logistically, financially and even more so politically, but holding back long range missiles and things like that is just bullshit.
And besides US support, EU (and Europe in general) has to get their shit together with manufacturing and in general being ready once Russia eventually digs itself out of the hole it’s been digging itself in. Currently things seem to move in that direction in general, but who knows what’ll happen in a year or 5.