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Soviet Union had a pretty significant army on their disposal and they were a force to really pay attention to. Russia in it’s current state is a poor imitation of that. Current Russian military had 14 000 tanks (rough estimates) and 2/3 of them is currently rusting away on some field in Ukraine, most of that was ww2 era stuff, which is a sitting duck on a literal pair of fighters on a ATV with a javelin or similar as we’ve seen.

On artillery russia has been shipping their own ammunition and barrels from the 40’s back to the front lines from North Korea. Depending on which source you’ll like to cite they’ve lost either almost all of what they got or everything they’ve had few times over. The picture is pretty similar across the board.

Air force hasn’t really done anything on the front beyond bombing civil intrastructure and getting destroyed by a cardboard drones from the Ukraine. Of course any kind of mig or shukoi is a sever threat to anything operating on their reach, but their performance hasn’t really shined on the current front where the opponent has been either lacking resources or have had hands tied to polictics across the continent.

Ukraine stopped the original attack with a handful of troops and they’ve been more and more successfull as the training with experience is getting more and more effective. If Russia can be stopped with pretty much with their own equipment from the soviet era what do you think will happen if they try to attack someone who’s been preparing on that since 1945?

Current state in Europe is a very bad excuse on what we should have, but even that, with 60 years of preparation, is well enough to counter anything what former ghost of the Soviet Union has to throw against EU. China, India and the rest of global south are the real threat and if things escalate to global war then it’s a whole different scenario, but Russia taking over europe is not a part of that.


Bullshit. My country has fewer people in total than many of the metropols in western europe and still we have the most powerful artillery in the western europe. Finland traditional artillery, on own our land, is almost close enough to hit Moscow and we have enough barrels and trained personnel to use them to cover pretty much for the whole 1300km of our border. Estonia isn’t far behind of us.

That combined with the very capable air force form Finland, Sweden and Estonia covers the northmost corner of the map, marines included. Below that is Poland who aren’t fucking around either and next to them is Ukraine. We’ve already had this fight in the 1940s, other countries a bit later, and there’s absolutely no question if there’s enough manpower to keep the border where it is right now.

There’s no way Russia could gain any land north of Poland borders even without any EU-wide co-operation and should Germany, France and UK join the fight the chances are pretty much nonexistent. They might take a village or two close to the border after turning it into rubble, but full scale war in EU wouldn’t last too long.

Current situation in Ukraine is a complex matter on many fronts, politics very much included, but it’s vastly different from a direct attack on any of EU members. The hardware alone is vastly superior on whatever Soviet remains we’ve seen on Ukraine for the last couple of years.

Just based on the numbers on the play it’s just stupid to spread the propaganda. Maybe you get paid for it, maybe you’re just playing as a devil’s advocate, but the reality just doesn’t align with russia attacking on the parts of global west europe.


Pikaisella haeskelulla Meriläisen pössyttelyt on vuodelta 2003 (julki 2004) ja Madventures on ollut Jamaikalla 2005. Että karkeasti samassa aikaikkunassa.

Itse en madventuresia ihan alusta asti erityisen aktiivisesti seurannut, mutta kyllähän Riku&Tunna aika avoimesti viettivät paikallisen kulttuurin mukaista elämää valkoisen länkkärin korostuksella, eli viina ja muut päihteet näkyivät ruudullakin, enkä muista että tuosta aivan hirveitä kohuja olisi noussut. Vettä on toki virrannut noiden jälkeen, eli aivan mahdollista ettei tuommoisia vain enää muista ja jos siitä nyt jossain seiskassa on kohistukkin, niin minä olen kyllä ollut kohdeyleisöstä ulkona jo silloin.


I wouldn’t say easily. If the russians were crazy enough to try that they’d find out that EU itself has pretty decent armed forces combined and should they attack on any EU country, let’s say Estonia, they’d find out pretty fast on what it means when there’s no political bullshit limiting on attacks to the russian soil. One of Putins villas is 30 minutes (give or take) away for handful of countries to pay a visit with a very modern fighter jet. To Moscow that’s a bit less.

They just don’t have the hardware to protect their troops, command sites, service locations and everything else needed to even attempt anything.


Oho hups. Pilvihallittujen palveluiden riskit realisoituvat ja kun kaikki on globaalisti sekä automatisoitu että riippuvaista ristiin ja rastiin toisistaan niin sitten menee kerralla paljon nurin kun joku hikka iskee.

Louneallakin oli kaikki yhteydet muutaman tunnin nurin, oma liittymä mukaanluettuna, mutta en tiedä liittyykö tuo samaan asiaan vai onko vain sattumalta ollut yhtäaikaa vika päällä. Eipä tuo näin lomallaollessa paljon puristellut, mutta kyllähän sitä aika riippuvainen nykyään internetistä on kun uutiset, musiikki, töllötin ja kaikki muukin pelaa sen varassa että IP-verkoista saa dataa haettua.

Mielenkiinnolla odottelen, että milloin joku isoista pilvitaloista sählää jotain ja miten ihmeissään sitten ollaan jos AWS tai Azure on kokonaisuudessaan tontissa eikä huoltoäijät pääse tiloihin kun fyysisiä lukkoja ei ole enää missään, kuten metalle tuossa taannoin kävi.


As we don’t have much to work with (error messages from apt/dpkg or anything), at first, try:

apt clean
apt -f install

and post results.


Yes, Ethernet, not Wifi, which would have been understandable.

Back in the day there was ‘software NICs’ on the market which required separate (driver-ish) software to do anything. Also there was RTL chips which required propietary parts from a driver and all the fun stuff. On wifi it’s still a thing now and then, but everything works far better today, and it’s at least partially because hardware is better too. Of course even in late 90’s when ethernet started to gain traction you could just throw something like 3c509 or e100 to your box and call it a day, but standards were far less mature than they’re today.


Joskus kansanedustajat ja ministerit ovat ihan itse lähteneet kävelemään kun ovat todenneet että eivät enää nauti kansan luottamusta. Laissa on myös joskus ollut vaatimus, joka nykyään on enemmän yleinen käytäntö, että edustajat ja luottamushenkilöt käyttäytyvät arvokkaasti ja nuhteettomasti myös istuntosalin ulkopuolella, mutta tuo taitaa mennä enemmän nostalgisen haaveilun puolelle.

Wikipediassa on oikein lista eronneista ministereistä ja eroamisen syistä. Suuri osa on toki siirtymisiä muihin tehtäviin, mutta listalla on viimeajoilta mm. Kulmunin ero esiintymiskoulutusten kanssa.


I’ve never really checked, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t.


Not that you asked, but you can get a .eu domain for ~9€/year (assuming you live in the EU). It’s obviously more than 1USD, but I still have few for around my hobbies as it’s not that big of an expense.
