12 points
Not true! I stopped carrying a wallet almost 2 years ago!
15 points
I also stopped carrying a wallet….
…now I just put it in my pocket instead.
5 points
7 points
Yep, the phone thing… keys and wallet, not so much. But the phone… if my wife sees what I’ve been doing on Lemmy… let’s just say my life will most probably be very different from what it is now.
6 points
4 points
6 points
3 points
Keys and wallet are always in my bag though.
1 point
0 points
i usually keep 5 thing in my pockets, phone and earbuds in the right and wallet keys and a bottle of water in the left
1 point
2 points
Who else hasn’t felt their phone in their pocket only to realise you are holding it
Yes I have occasionally looked for my phone with my phones flashlight
1 point