16 points
Imgur sucks completely, and doesnt work without enabling Javascript from like 10 origins. Mind sharing the actual image?
20 points
43 points
It would be nice to have elected officials who were born after the Battle of the Bulge.
24 points
I’m not american so the only Bulge I know is the one that furrys like to nuzzle
20 points
10 points
More like: Only Americans get taught so much about specific battles in school. Elsewhere the focus for WW2 lies more on what led to it and the like.
143 points
Dunno where I was expecting that to go, but it was not where it ended up going. It’s actually hilarious.
36 points
6 points
3 points
17 points
For those who don’t want to use Imgur or deal with the data here is the video/gifv
6 points
What is this from?