Fucking obstruction of justice for assholes committing treason…he should get the Santos treatment… Straight to jail.
Why is Johnson protecting antifa?
Why can’t antifa stop posing as right-wing nutjobs? There is a consistent habit of antifa posing as established right-wing nutjobs that have a flawless consistent history, as if they have been undercover for a literal lifetime. It is time that they stopped being right-wing nutjobs masquerading as antifa and be treated as who they are, lizard people posing as antifa posing as right-wing nutjobs with a venn diagram that overlaps with pedophiles, like a ring of fire eclipse’s totality, persecuting people who live their lives differently than their narrow wold view allows.
Read your Bible sheeple, its all in there.
Ladies and gentlemen:
The Party of Law and Order
Fuck this asshole. Post their faces on every billboard in Times Square. Dox them all. Anyone associated with Jan 6 should all be shot out of a cannon into the Atlantic or Pacific ocean, whichever is cheaper. Imagine what would have been going on in this country had they succeeded. That’s what the punishment should be based on.
You give them the glory of such a cool death? Give them a humiliating death, living with a felony criminal record and unable to vote.
just need some time to cheat and lie