People out here just rawdogging life in the early 20s. Good luck to them.
I don’t need drugs, I was shot as a child, and I have enough adrenaline from that for the rest of my life.
I don’t need drugs. I’m on a steady diet of caffeine and nicotine and meth and life, thanks.
Well hello mister privileged. Be happy you had such a nice life nothing pushed you towards drugs and please be more sympathetic to people who don’t/didn’t have/had that luxury.
I went from heroin to methadone, and methadone to nothing. It fucking SUCKS. I hate being around people. I used to be quite the social butterfly. I have hacked away at the people I let into my life down to one friend. I hate people so much that it’s hard to put up with my partner and kids. Loud noises make me irrationally angry. I don’t leave the house unless I HAVE to. Since I got sober I have dreams where I talk to my friends that died from overdoses.
I had a dream where a woman I knew that died of an overdose came to visit me. She sat on the sofa next to me and put her head on my shoulder. When I woke up I could still feel her hair on my face.
I hate being sober. I wish that weed didn’t make me anxious. I wish alcohol didn’t make me feel like shit. I didn’t like uppers before I got sober. Opiates aren’t even an option.
But you know what? As much as being sober fucking sucks, and it does suck make no mistake about it. I won’t die a slave. I am free. I am finally free, and I’m not giving my freedom away again for anyone or anything. I’ve been heroin free for about 5 years. I’m almost 2 years completely sober.
Good on you. I’m just small league clean of cigarettes for a year now. It’s good to be not dependent.
Keep it up!
Hey, quitting cigarettes is no small feat. There are enough things holding us back in life without adding to it. Quitting cigarettes is one choice I guarantee you won’t regret.
Also, don’t sell yourself short. You say “little league clean”, but the process is the same. Be proud of your wins. There will be enough problems in life. Take those wins where you can.
I’m very proud, and part of the belittlement in my comment is not that I’m not proud of it, but I think I may have used it that way to show my respect for your archievement.
So that’s what I’m actually saying, I’m a bit more proud of you kicking your bad habits than my own, so well done on that.
I hope the bleak aspect on life and other people may change a bit to the positive this year. In fact, that is my Christmas wish for you (even though I detest Christmas in all it’s commercial shallowness)
Is that Daniel Craig?
James Bond looking rough
To anyone going through this, it gets better. The first year is really tough, and maybe longer, but eventually you’ll learn how to feel relaxed without it if you can stay off it long enough.
You have to fill the gap with something else enjoyable/stimulating.
Also, often people find they enjoy some of the activities they would be doing all along without the drugs,
ie. Hanging out with friends, lying have passed out on a couch watching TV / playing video games / staring at the ceiling listening to music, sex, bumming cigarettes, hustling for money, going to dangerous places / doing dangerous things, committing small time crimes, alienating family, ect…
You can enjoy all these things while sober… no need to be boring ;-)