At press time, Wheeler announced he would instead be attending PragerU.
That last line brought the whole thing together.
Like Brock Turner, convicted rapist?
Exactly like Brock Turner, rapist who got convicted to 3 months of wrist slapping.
Rapist Allen Turner, aka rapist Brock Turner, who got a 6-month slap-on-the-wrist sentence for what his father called (and I quote) “twenty minutes of action”? That rapist Allen Turner (aka rapist Brock Turner)? The one who only served 3 months?!
Are we talking about convicted rapist Brock “Allen” Turner? The guy who was convicted for raping somebody and only got a 3 month sentence? That Brock “Allen” Turner?
Imagine being the stock photo for this article.
I just need to express how perfect that title is. The way it changes meaning with almost every additional word is really impressive.
Shouldve had a rich parents. /s