Absolutely correct.
The 2023 movie was a better Mario movie in that it understood and respected the lore. The 1993 movie always felt like it was supposed to be it’s own thing until someone suggested that it become a Mario movie. It feels like the people making the 1993 movie never played a Mario game at all.
You couldn’t even provide opening remarks on your own post? it’s like you outsourced the job of posting something interesting to everyone else. “Hey guys can you explain my hot take for me?” what?
I used to have it on VHS, played it often as I loved it. I wonder what the movie would have been like if Disney wasn’t involved (lateron).
Loved the '93 film as a kid, and love it even more as an adult. It’s like a weird Blade Runner for children. The set design and overall aesthetic have aged damn well, and the older I get, the more I appreciate it. I still have the original VHS we borrowed from Blockbuster back in the day (and never returned.)