Personally, not a fan of the star damage.
I went to Australia/New Zealand.
I now look 5 years younger. Not even exaggerating. I guess I look kinda young and I’m at an age where that’s possible. But way more people have commented that I look younger than I am than back home.
Skin cancer capital of the world. And while we probably take sun protection much more seriously than other countries, soooo many people are still pretty complacent/lazy.
Slip, slop, slap friends. The sun is a deadly lazer
I live next to a beach in Scotland. The amount of pastey white folk who are lobsterised, soaking in the star damage, right now is…frankly believable, people here will bbq in a light drizzle if it’s over 14°C.
For now I look fabulous.
What about years from now? Your cellular growth will be many.
It may be.
Are you not concerned?
I worry only for now.
But later?
Later is not now.