This article could’ve gotten paid more if it hadn’t stayed on forbes for nine years and instead jumped publishers.
Why is a 9 year old article?
I’ve been fortunate. With same company for 12 years and am above market rate enough that I dont care to look elsewhere.
Before covid I switched jobs. Got about $12k more. Months go by, COVID hits and I can’t do my job (didn’t have the flexibility and daycare was shut down). So I get my old job back but said I’d do it for $X where X was another $10k above from the new job.
Switching jobs definitely works. It sucks giving up a sure thing and the comfort zone though
It sucks giving up a sure thing and the comfort zone though
Very much. It’s also kind of a privilege to be able to do that. Often this requires mobility - which you don’t have if your spouse is also working (could not find a job in the same place) or if you have kids (school, friends etc). I think in the USA it is very common to constantly move, but here people usually avoid moving too often. Taking a risk when it’s not just you on the line is also a bit harder.
That’s empirically testable in my case. Same employer’s for ~10 years, went from £13k per annum to almost £30k. In the next 10 years, I went from £30k to £85k. Software developer, in the UK.