JS is Touring complete. You can write anything in it, including SkyNet or whatever else you can think of that will destroy the world.
I want my world destroyed fast, thank you very much. Do you want them to stop mid-murder to prolong your pain because they’ve ran out of RAM?
Say no to JS Skynet, embrace C++ Skynet!
CSS is used to create the design, basically the look (colors, layout and so on), but no substance.
JavaScript is used to implement code and logic.
HTML + JavaScript would typically (since you’re supposed to use CSS to create colors and design) look very dull, thus the black-and-white Oppenheimer.
document.querySelector('.whatever').style.color = "red";
Don’t recommend, though.
Would be funnier if it was just “JS” on the right, because obviously HTML and CSS are involved too, but JS is where all hell breaks loose
Problem: Oppenheimer, unlike JavaScript, was actually competent.
Mid 90s HTML pre CSS:
Around flexbox is when I stopped caring about CSS, so it’s the last one I know. Is the grid better?