This makes absolutely no sense. Front ends that include JavaScript still use css.
The only sites I can think of that don’t look like they use css are and bjarne stroustrup’s website.
Any site that uses JS for more than trivial things is going to be a disaster without styling of some kind.
Problem: Oppenheimer, unlike JavaScript, was actually competent.
Would be funnier if it was just “JS” on the right, because obviously HTML and CSS are involved too, but JS is where all hell breaks loose
Mid 90s HTML pre CSS:
Around flexbox is when I stopped caring about CSS, so it’s the last one I know. Is the grid better?
JS is Touring complete. You can write anything in it, including SkyNet or whatever else you can think of that will destroy the world.
I want my world destroyed fast, thank you very much. Do you want them to stop mid-murder to prolong your pain because they’ve ran out of RAM?
Say no to JS Skynet, embrace C++ Skynet!