What, you don’t have a special command to Compare Unsigned values in register C vs result register K? or Floating-point Addition with Parenthesis, so store the value for use on the next cycle?
I still don’t know why this architecture went for a Double XOR as the NOP, I guess they were just flexing that the reference chip design could do both in a single cycle
IT years are similar to dog years, an IT year is multiple normal human years, so 14 IT years is certainly IT decades.
algernon nods sagely
I’m so cooked I genuinely thought that’s what it was at first, until I noticed all the words were slang/recent colloquialisms
[1 (4//"7 |_|//[)3|2574//) '/0|||2 //|2171//9.17’5 (0//|=||51//9
Edit, Lemmy formatting killed it, here’s what it was supposed to be.
Ahh yess…the FAPS
Nah. These are way too short.