Curse English idioms, I literally thought they were rebranding to Mud.
It’s because of the capitalization. If the title was “SanDisk’s name is now mud” this wouldn’t happen.
Probably very deliberate, in the wake of Twitter’s disastrous rebranding.
find fringe idiom
capitalise all words
and… send
There. Easy clickbait.
Just an FYI on Sandisk.
They were acquired by Western Digital in 2016.
So this bullshit falls as much at WD’s feet as it does their wholly owned subsidiary, Sandisk.
50% percent off a product that is almost guaranteed to lead to complete data loss?
By Grabthar’s Hammer, what a savings!
50% percent off a product that is almost guaranteed to lead to complete data loss?
Get them for people you hate. 😏
I just wish text could convey the soul crushing ennui Rickman displayed when he delivered the line.
Let’s be clear that a failing part is one thing but silently dumping them on the public is the unforgivable failure. I hope shareholders are seeing this and selling.
I hope shareholders are seeing this and selling.
Sandisk has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Western Digital since 2016.
WD’s share price is up ~25% this year…
It took my sleep deprived brain far too long (less than a second, but still) to realise this wasn’t a genuine name change.