⌘ cmd >> ctrl https://toshy.app
I literally just learned about Ctrl+c last week, I’ve been using terminal casually since I was 10, and always thought it was dumb that when a script was stuck hanging that I had to close the command window and redo my steps. I always thought it was weird that you had to right click to copy something and never thought why that might be the case, I have no excuses.
It didn’t load completely at first, so i saw something like this and i think it is even better that way:
I don’t remember the last time I used ctrl-C. It’s always select or "+y
I additionally mapped that latter one to F2
, because being able to repeatedly copy from VIM and paste into another application without having to move your hand between mouse and keyboard is nice.
Of course, that’s VIM. If you meant “vim mode” in shell, then that’s a different story.
I’ve almost gotten into the habit of hitting Ctrl+Shift+C
when I want to copy something because of that.
That solution ish the worst. Ctrl-shift-c does a shitload of different things in different programs, and in browsers it does different things per page.
Ctrl-ins, shift-ins, shift-del for the win bit THEN some programs simply refuse to support that.
I have like 4 different copy paste short cuts because of this and it sucks
Do you at least have 4 clipboards to go with them? Because I don’t think I could ever go back to a single clipboard.
I use standard Linux dual clipboard (Ctrl ins and just select, middle click) but most extra clipboards I’ve seen require a lot of extra clicking to get the work done. I want something simple stupid fast.
I’m not saying it’s great, but at least in my use I haven’t seen it being destructive/disruptive like Ctrl+C
I do that all the time. Opens up developer tools on firefox if you do it.