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In the first region in the midst of the first small village two neighbors are arguing. They are not giving a quest, they just talk to each other and listening gives such an insight in how war can turn people against each other that have been living peacfully and been friends for years.

Do the side quests and take your time with the dialogue. Some of these stories are impactful, mostly sad and worth your time. If you are told that you should talk to people to find out more about your contract, do it. Some of these quests can be done with only talking to one person but you want to get the information from everyone and especially their side of the story.

Do not look up the outcome of decisions. Make your decisions and live with them at least at your first playthrough. Most decisions have impact and seeing the outcome unfold makes this game special and yes often there is no “good choice” - that’s war for you.

Last: Buy every Gwent card you can get your hands on and play with everyone you can. If you can’t win just come back later with better cards and obliterate them - it will feel goooood!

The DLC’s are a must.

Try out difficulty settings - there is a sweet spot for most people somewhere but what it will be for you no one can know, but it would be a shame if you play through the game not having found the difficulty that fits you best because you “always play on <insert difficulty>”.

Have fun, I wish I could play this game for the first time again.


The chain also pointed out that cigarette sales, once the largest sales category for convenience stores, has fallen 26% since 2019. A shift in sales to other nicotine products hasn’t made much of a difference, they said.

I consider that good news and hope the people loosing their workplace find something better soon!


Meine Erfahrung aus einem pfälzer Kuhdorf: Der Bürgermeister ist immer auch Chef der Schützengilde und im Vorstand der freiwilligen Feuerwehr und wenn bei beidem keine Frauen mitmachen dürfen, dann kann ja wohl der nächste Bürgermeister keine Bürgermeisterin sein, gell?

Nach Jahren in denen erst die freiwillige Feuerwehr Mädels aufnehmen musste weil sich einfach nicht genug Jungs gemeldet hatten und nach Jahren in denen der Schützenverein sich, am Ende fruchtlos, gegen weibliche Mitglieder gestemmt hatte, siehe da die neue Bürgermeisterin ist im Amt. Eine Schelmin wer Böses denkt. Fakt: Jahrelang wurde alles politische bei den Zusammenkünften und zwischen den Schützenbrüdern bei einem Bier geklärt. Frauen hatten nicht nur keinen Zugang zur Gilde sondern waren von der politischen Meinungsbildung ausgeschlossen (von geschäftlichen Vereinbarungen und Seilschaften jedweder Art natürlich auch), ihre Meinung wurde einfach nie gehört.

Bis in die Anfänge der 2000er war dort im Dorf die Frau des Bürgermeisters auch noch “Frau Bürgermeister” und die Frau des örtlichen Allgemeinarztes “Frau Doktor” und erst als die Frau des Rektors der Grundschule den Titel “Frau Rektor” vehement abgelehnt hat und als Beleidigung empfand (die Frau war Architektin mit eigenem Architekturbüro) nahm das langsam ab und ist jetzt zum Glück auch Geschichte.

Gerade in kleinen Gemeinden sind diese Vereine Machtbasen mit oft stärkerem Einfluss als politische Parteien oder eng mit solchen verbandelt, sowie Wirtschaftsbörsen. Frau sollte da Mitgliedin werden ob sie Schiessen mag oder nicht, niemand wird gezwungen beim Meisterschießen mitzumachen, zumal das Gewinnen auch sehr teuer ist.


Lindner liebt die Frauen:

  • mehr Frauen sollen arbeiten
  • sie sollen weniger Teilzeit arbeiten
  • sie sollen Überstunden machen
  • sie sollen mehr Kinder kriegen
  • am Geld für Kinderbetreuung wird gespart
  • am Müttergenesungswerk und an der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit wird gespart
  • sie sollen länger arbeiten und nicht in Rente gehen
  • in Covid haben sie die größte Last getragen und N U L L Kompensation dafür gesehen

Müttern (Eltern) zu sagen sie bräuchten einen strukturierten Alltag und müssten an ihrer Arbeitseinstellung arbeiten ist ihnen frontal ins Gesicht schlagen.

Der Mann hat die Mentalität eines Bulldozers und ich bin nicht sicher ob ich der Maschine da nicht unrecht tue.


Knowing how expensive these products are, how can a ten y.o. afford them? And on top how can parents not have a clue what she is spending her money on?


I hearby announce that I am also not buying Valve & Counter-Strike for £12 billion. You heard it here first!


Nice joke until reality comes along: https://winfuture.de/news,145540.html

German article translates to:

The Tesla plant in Grünheide had to accept a record number of sick days, at least in August: Around 17 percent of the 12,000 employees were affected. At the beginning of September, the figure had fallen to around 11 percent, according to a report in the Handelsblatt newspaper. However, this is still comparatively high.

As a result, the plant management had begun to visit employees on sick leave at home and check on them. Head of HR Erik Demmler was surprised that he was sometimes met with an aggressive attitude, as he explained to Handelsblatt. It had happened that the door had simply been slammed in his face. There were even instances of people threatening to call the police.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


German, only having been there once some years ago, so no idea if it still is that way:

Not knowing what I will have to pay in the grocery store until the cashier tells me what to pay. Here the price on the shelf is THE price. I might have a voucher that reduces the price in the end, but nothing is ever added only subtracted, all prices on the shelf are easily comparable, because no matter the weight of one package there is also given the price of 1kg or 100 g for everything.

No kids on playing grounds without parents standing around. No kids just playing on the side walk (often there is no side walk anyway), no kids walking to school. It made me aware of how much freedom kids have in Germany, how independent even 6 y.o. are in Germany compared to kids in the US. They walk to to school alone or use public transport alone, they buy groceries alone, they visit friends by foot or public transport, three y.o. already having a bike and cycling besides their parents to kindergarden…

On the other hand seeing so many very young people having a job, like a really hard job for many hours besides school. It broke my heart, they should be free to be young and having all the time, working comes fast enough and goes on forever. Also I saw very old people doing jobs that should be able to retire because you could see them being in pain and barely able to function, definitely not a “choice” for them.

The amount of medication, especially pain medication, people take in the US compared to Germany and how much of it is freely available while it is needing a subscription from a doctor here. Every time I was feeling unwell I was offered pills that I found to be numbingly strong and switching my brain off? Hard to explain. I found them scary, but was told that they take them on a daily basis and they are harmless … nope.


“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
Voting Trump is the only way to save democracy”
George Orwell, 1984 Elon Musk, aspiring propaganda minister of Trump


Trump: “Jump!”
Musk: “How high?”
Trump: “Get as high as you can!”
Musk: “I am already as high as I can, I wanted to know how high I should jump!”
