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“You know the legendary singer for Motorhead? Google him with the word social after it…”


“When you play the game of thrones, you either win or you die.”

I am very sceptical of this. Lukashenko brokered a deal? He’s a Putin puppet, why would Prigozhin cut a deal with him? What would that deal look like? Does Prigozhin become head of the MoD or Putins designated successor? He’s right there outside Moscow, he has the leverage, why would he blink?

Putin called him a traitor, an enemy of the state, why would Putin back down from that point, he already looks weak, why look weaker via a U-turn? Prigozhin must know he’s a dead man if he backs down, he knows the play book, why would he trust in the deal?

Was the whole thing a psy-op to give Putin an out? Was the voice recording that is the ultimate source of all this a Russian State propaganda play? Is it a play by Wagner to buy time to consolidate his forces before he moves on Moscow? But then, he has to be the one to move fast and hard…

Whatever is going on, we don’t know. Next 5-24hrs will be key.


Prigozhin has done audio only before, but you are right. I believe the channel was the Concordgroup official one.


“When you play the game of thrones, you either win or you die.”

I am very sceptical of this. Lukashenko brokered a deal? He’s a Putin puppet, why would Prigozhin cut a deal with him? What would that deal look like? Does Prigozhin become head of the MoD or Putins designated successor? He’s right there outside Moscow, he has the leverage, why would he blink?

Putin called him a traitor, an enemy of the state, why would Putin back down from that point, he already looks weak, why look weaker via a U-turn? Prigozhin must know he’s a dead man if he backs down, he knows the play book, why would he trust in the deal?

Was the whole thing a psy-op to give Putin an out? Was the voice recording that is the ultimate source of all this a Russian State propaganda play? Is it a play by Wagner to buy time to consolidate his forces before he moves on Moscow? But then, he has to be the one to move fast and hard…

Whatever is going on, we don’t know. Next 5-24hrs will be key.


Nah, if Prigozhin doesn’t have loyalists installed at FSB, Interior, and Defence he’s a dead man. I guarantee you he knows this. You don’t get into a position of power in Russia without knowing that. His lead elements were holding an Operational Rally Point just outside of Moscow when they just… turned around and a promise…? From Putin…?

No chance, Prigozhin may be a ruthless, cutthroat sociopath but he’s not an idiot. Add to that Putin called him out as a terrorist, a mutineers, an enemy of the state, for Putin to U-turn makes him look weak. Sure, the leverage is there but there’s no way you make him look weak and just walkway… not AND survive for very long…

Yeah, He has to have his people installed at Defence, FSB and Interior, and at that point he’s in charge of the Russian Federation in all but name.


Fair points all in.

The long and the short will hang on wether Prigozhin has loyalists installed at the head of FSB, Ministery of Interior, and Ministery of Defence…

If not, It’ll rank amongst the biggest blunders in Russian political history, and Prigozhin will be dead in short order.

If yes, Prigozhin basically is in control of the Russian Federation in all but name.


I disagree, the more that comes out, the more I’m convinced its a jostling for power kinda vibe. If he’s walked away without securing loyalists at FSB, MoI, AND MoD he’s a dead man and he has to know that. You can’t get into a powerful position in Russia and not know that. If so, then with FSB, MoI and MoD loyal to him he runs Russia in all but name.


At what point, if ever, in Russian politics has self-canibalisation been a problem for them?

Putin has thrown down against Prigozhin, brought Alltwen arms of State to bare… and allowed him to walk away…?

If you think he’s blundered I would caution about underestimating him, a brutal, ruthless bastard… for sure, but not a fool…

If he was a fool he wouldn’t have got to the position he has at Wagner in the first place…!


Ah, see… they don’t give a fuck about the medical care, or the patients, or even the metrics. it’s all about how much money they can extract from the system at the expense of all else.

6 points

Rattle your drawers
