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It’s also temporary, since the moon moves away from the earth at a rate of 38 mm or 1.5 inches per year, which is roughly the same rate as human fingernails grow, according to the “earth-moon system” section of the Wikipedia page. :)

Grand design indeed.



I honestly can’t think of any historically significant event that doesn’t involve or depend upon major suffering of some sort -even the happy moments are only happy because of an end of horrible things- so I’ll just pass entirely. History sucks because humans suck.

But If we assume that time can flow in both ways, I’ll choose to go somewhere in the future-past. Maybe the day we put boots on ground in another solar system, or put an end to scarcity, if either of those ever even happen…


It looks like a little doll playset. And by that I mean tons of pointless open space so the sides fit together when you close it, and very pared-down accommodations. Polly pocket never had more than 3 seating options in her cases, for example.

It looks cool but imho not very practical… more like luxury transit, maybe a city tour sort of thing, not so much public transit.


“Worthless in the future” isn’t really right even for mmos tho. Just depends what sort of person you are.

I mean if someone can spin up their own server and just play with a group of friends (maybe 10-20 people?) that’s basically the bulk of the game’s content available. Sure, stuff like PuG, auction house, etc. won’t have any value but… in my experience those are such minor parts of the games most of the time as to be trashable.

Personally I would prefer playing mmos with a small dedicated group I know over the public at large. Well populated servers tend to be a miserable experience for people who want a group game but not a public group. Even if you stick to your own guild, people in the world are assholes on purpose whenever they can be.

So I’m strongly of the opinion that any game requiring a server should have a server spin-up utility launched free when the official servers go down. At least give people the option.


My heart wins every day.

Be great if it was legal, monitored, and regulated; there’s a lot of stuff I’d like to try with medical supervision which I won’t touch without that buffer. I know both myself and other people, and I trust neither without supervision.


And nobody will judge you for getting blitzed at brunch on mimosas!

However, I have learned that if you go to a cross-dress club (I actually really don’t know what the place was, or how to describe it, but it was like cabaret, I guess, with cross-dressers. Fucking blast!) and get blitzed on dollar mimosas -in the evening-, they will absolutely judge you :)


That was actually my exact thought - I used to love wow but I absolutely hated most of the people who played. They ruined the game for me, and I was -dedicated- (not 19 years but 6, from vanilla through second expac, raid leader, raid MH, guild second, had an alt with its own guild and all tabs bought for a personal bank, etc.)

With something like wow I’d actually be willing to buy the server spinner if the official servers are still active (since game is subscription based they aren’t going to drop it free), just to have the option to play with people I like and nobody else. Doesn’t even have to be people I know, I’d be happy to find people in forums/communities/etc. to play with, just a limited group with a barrier of some sort for entry. Oh and the ability to ban.

I miss the social aspect of that sort of game, but I just dislike the general public too much to be willing to play any of them at this point.


I’m admittedly a bit face blind, but on first look I thought this was musk, and it felt really really right.


We are getting tons more heavy rains in my region (which isn’t coastal and about 600 ft above sea level), and flooding, while still mostly relatively minor, has been happening considerably more often than it used to.

It isn’t going to be just the coasts losing housing - a lot of people use basements for actual living space, even whole apartments, and with increased storm flooding that may not be safe in the future.


It’s gotten really difficult to research products, speaking as someone who does a lot of it, so I don’t think it’s about not wanting to do it.

Go look for something like a good dehumidifier and it’s all seo-optimized bullshit barely hiding that it’s advertisements for cheap Chinese junk on Amazon. And nearly every link is like that. For pages upon pages worth of results.

It’s so so difficult to judge what’s actually legit info and what isn’t. So I don’t blame people for asking other humans for what worked for them. You almost kinda have to unless you know of good legit review sites for every product you might want or need.
