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You can just gnaw on dog treats if you want. Like nobody is stopping you. My parents tried and failed many many years ago, but the sandy texture of the treats they bought was a major turnoff for me, so no need fam. If dentabones or whatever had been a thing back then I might have a different story…

Fun fact; most pet foods and treats are tested at some stage by humans for flavor, because animals can’t really give proper critique. So someone, somewhere, has probably already eaten them.


If we don’t stand together, we fall apart.

Pithy and multi-faceted. (Also not mine.)

In looking to credit this, I can’t find anything, but apparently Franklin said “we must all hang together or we will hang separately”, which is 100% the same vibe.


They say “was a virgin” for a lot of gay men.

Bet his dick was in lots of things, just not a biblical wife.


Poisoned husband -daily for months-

Gets probation and no contact order.

Yo, what? When that husband or kid turns up dead down the line they are gunna be all shocked pikachu about it. At the very least she should have been ordered to an inpatient treatment facility and not just some wishy-washy mental health screening.

She actively, daily, tried for months to kill him. Probation shouldn’t be for that kind of premeditation. It should be for “oops I lost my temper” or “oops I wasn’t paying enough attention for a split second”, not this sort of planned out and executed multiply sort of thing.


I get this with games too. And shows. And end up just scrolling Lemmy instead of doing anything better with my time…


At this point it looks like they are worth more… so…

89 points

I’m pretty sure that’s always what capchas were for… training ai image recognition.

They just also use it as security theater.


Imagine the filth in your average public restroom.

Now imagine if they were all designed with powerful fountains that spray water up and out of the device if not intercepted by an anus.

I’m pretty sure “this is why we can’t have nice things” is true in this case, just pre-emptively.


I find this wholly unsurprising.

All ai projects should be forced to show the entirety of their training data. I don’t give a flying fuck if they want to call it proprietary, they don’t own most of the data in the first place. Even if they bought it, it doesn’t belong to them, just like we don’t own digital movies we buy.

And if even a single piece of that training data doesn’t have proper licensing for that specific use for that specific model, or they are ever found to have withheld any of the data, the model as a whole should be immediately scrapped, along with everything even tangentially derived from it, and the company should be fined fully double whatever amount of money that model generated or one years revenue for the company as a whole, whichever is more (no I don’t care if this leads to bankruptcy, should have thought about that before you stole data), and like use if for affordable housing programs or public schools or something, whatever.

They can try again with clean data, also subject to review. One time. Second time they do the same shady shit, permanently banned from the entire sector.

But regardless, we need to stop rewarding them for this behavior. And we need the consequences to actually hurt or we can expect it to get worse, not better.

185 points

You know I love the idea of cryostasis, and the idea of reanimating people after death is great.

But why the fuck would future humans bother bringing all these people back, even if they could? Even if they have a utopian society free of scarcity and inequality, they would be bringing back mostly rich people who lived in a super different and bad time and have literally nothing positive to contribute to the utopian future, since they were a large part of the problems of today in the first place. Plus the vast majority of them are almost certainly elitist assholes who nobody in a utopia would want to be around.

Maybe it would be a humanitarian thing, but if these people are dead and frozen there’s no real imperative to do this to end suffering or something. Or I guess maybe bringing them back to try and figure out what the hell their damage is that they felt ruining everything was a better option than working toward the betterment of all… but they’d only need a few brains in vats for that, no bodies, so sucks to suck, cryofolks.

If future humans don’t have a utopian society, the only real use for people from so long ago that I can come up with would be research subjects or slaves. And frankly there are easier ways to go about getting those…

So I see no possible future where people who cryopreserve get brought back en masse. Even if it’s entirely possible to surmount the technical hurdles.
