
ChicagoCommunist [none/use name]

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It’s pretty sleek tbh, although since it’s not guaranteed to fit and a lot of n95s are relatively reusable I’m not sure it’s a great value proposition.

I took the gamble and don’t think I regret it, the fit seems to have settled in for a decent seal now that I’m on my third day.


I wear a mask ~10 hours a day at work. When I was doing more laborious work I didn’t though due to sweat and fit.

Imo the bare minimum should be masking for all short interactions. I understand not wanting to wear a mask all day at work, but it sacrifices very little to wear one for 30 minutes at the store or wherever.

I just switched from auras to a flomask. More comfortable, but still working out the seal.

But even without covid, there’s other diseases and cameras everywhere. I’m happy that masking is more normalized (to the degree that it is. Still had people get very angry at me)


Classes are little pins that you earn by completing one-time tasks. They have nothing to do with your material interests or means of subsistence.

I’ve collected lumpenprole, peasant, and proletariat so far. Hoping to grind out the petty bourgeois achievement this weekend!


I’ve had coworkers show up literally wheezing. No mask, no distancing. And my job has PSL too but they’d rather use that on vacation.

Ultimately this is a systemic and cultural failure. But it’s hard not to be bitter at the individual manifestations of the social rot.

Anecdotally, any injury or illness seems worse and takes longer to recover than it used to. Some of that is age for sure, but like… Seems like 10-15 years of aging in the last 4 years.

Can’t go anywhere in public without hearing a chorus of productive coughs. And some of them may not even have covid; colds and allergies and changes in temperature are enough to trigger the cough I’ve intermittently had since early 2020.

Ironically I wonder if covid’s effect on the brain and risk analysis / decision making causes people to take it less seriously, not even think about the potential consequences. Like a human toxoplasmosis.

Hope it at least accelerates the collapse of the first world


Also every maintenance person and mechanic has kitty litter in a closet somewhere because it’s great for cleaning up oil spills


Ooohh I’m pretty sure brace mentioned this on the podcast a while ago, guess now I know he wasn’t bullshitting


Y’all easterners haven’t felt the glory of a WinCo

Aldis are better than Walmart and the various Kroger subsidiaries tho


You worked as an independent contractor doing transcription. You decided to get out of it because AI is getting too good.

Then cast a wide net using indeed or whatever site to mass apply.

I’ve worked at 12 places in the last 5 years with gaps in between, but my resume and narrative doesn’t say that. And then I apply to so many places that even if 95% found out and rejected me it doesn’t matter, cause I only need one job. 5% success rate of 200 applications is way more than necessary.

Alternatively look into seasonal jobs, a lot of them don’t care about your resume as long as you can pass a drug test and (very basic) physical.


Obfuscation of class, cultural hegemony, is necessary for capitalism to persist.

At the same time, false consciousness is not the primary thing keeping well-off workers in the imperial core and periphery from revolting. They may buy into whatever delusions to avoid feeling guilt for their position, but when it comes down to it they benefit from imperialism. If given a choice between their humanity and their privileged position, they’ll happily abandon their humanity.

For the rest of workers, developing class consciousness is important, but more important (or maybe part of the same process) is presenting an organized alternative to the bourgeois state. People may agree or disagree with whatever ideals, but they’ll support the entity materially benefiting them.

The government tried to take away our houses, failed to provide food and medicine and education, abandoned us during the increasingly devastating environmental disasters. But this party calling themselves the Workers Front came in with aid and services. I don’t know much about politics but they have my support.

The manufactured false consciousness for the lower working classes is well-funded and omnipresent, but it’s ethereal, smoke and mirrors. A video of prosperity repeated 24/7 is not equivalent to real food on a real table. If the bottom falls out on material flows, the illusion breaks (and the bourgeois state has to increasingly turn to violence to enforce its power).

Only a small percentage of people are and will ever be political and ideologically disciplined. Others will get thrust into political action by their material circumstances, and it’s the role of a party to help them organize and realize their power.


The commie one is mfw I see das capital is 3000 pages long (not counting IV)
