
Colonel Panic

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I’d absolutely rather be in the woods with bears all around than with police.

Plus, the bears are friend shaped.


Oh my God they were roommates.


As anyone who has played the board game Monopoly can tell you, this is the point in the game where the game is effectively “over”, the winner has been decided. That one player owns most of the board and the rest are hanging on with mortgages and selling off their houses and properties to hang on for one more turn and hoping to land on a space that doesn’t bankrupt them. But we all know they eventually will.

So, when do we say GG, pack up the board and try something else?


Soon: All ballpoint pens have a microscopic tracking code embossed into the ball like a stamp.


If the AI isn’t stealing content, then piracy isn’t stealing either.


I just want to join in to remind everyone that multiple things can be true at the same time.

  • The DNC/Biden can and should be doing better.

  • We only have 2 options for president. It will be one of the two main candidates because that is how the system works. Don’t pretend it doesn’t. You either vote for one of those two or you are ok with either.

  • We should be pressuring Biden to do more about both Ukraine and Gaza. Ending both conflicts and getting aid to people.

  • Choosing to vote for a 3rd party to protest Biden’s response to Gaza/Israel is only going to help Trump in the short term. Yes, long term Biden and DNC may notice their total votes going down, but in the short term it will put Trump in the Whitehouse and now what? What did you accomplish if the DNC realizes they fucked up, but can’t do anything about it because Trump is now a dictator?

  • Politics is a slow moving thing. Too many people expect some perfect ideal candidate or policy and won’t compromise on anything. That isn’t how it works, you have to compromise and slowly pull things the way you want. It doesn’t happen in one election cycle.

  • We should have been and should be campaigning and pushing for changes to our system so that we can have better options in the future. We need to push for Ranked Choice Voting (or anything better than FPTP). And voting in local level elections to make small changes across the country. Term limits. Campaign finance reforms. Etc etc. because until we get a new system we effectively can’t just vote for who we want or it doesn’t do anything more than a fart in a hurricane.

I see a lot of people who are saying they will not vote for Biden because the Gaza/Israel issue. Which I completely understand. But the two truths you have to accept in doing so is that you will not be complicit in the genocide. But you will be complicit if Trump wins. Both can be true. You decide which one you would rather see. If you don’t want Trump then the only option is a vote for Biden. And until we reform our voting system we don’t have viable 3rd parties and pretending we do is just delusional. Look at every election for the last hundred years and you will see enough proof. It’s not ideal, but it is reality. **Accept it **so we can change it together.


Assuming you are asking in good faith. The Christian/Evangelicals are the prominent group of people screaming about values and banning drag and other things they hate (LGBTQ, healthcare/abortion, immigration, voting, etc), while simultaneously being seemingly ok with stuff like this. It is quite blatantly hypocritical. It’s all projection and hypocrisy and bigotry.


People come up to me all the time and tell me how great my report on Gettysburg was. Great people. Best report they’ve ever seen. And they’ve seen a lot of reports. And they tell me mine was the best they’ve seen. But the crooked evil liberal teachers keep persecuting me and try to say my report wasn’t good. They try to give me an F, but I tell them it’s an A, because that’s what my papers get, because I’m the best student. Best student people have ever seen. Smart people see me and say that is the best student that has ever been. Make school great again!


You’ve heard of CamelCase and lowercase and intVariableName variable naming styles. Get ready for:

for (int Taiwan == 0; Taiwan < HongKong; Taiwan++) { int TianamenSquare == 0; … }
